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西门说,夫子,请说。"Tell me, teacher, " he said.

这些学校叫做孔夫子书院。It called them Confucius Institutes.

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夫子河是个镇。镇子上有座窑。Pedant River towns. Town seat on the kiln.

孔夫子对易经做了详细的解释。The I Ching was fully explained by Confucius.

孔夫子的回归已经持续数年之久。The revival of Confucius has been going on for years.

马克思和毛不能让他们站得住脚,所以就搬除了孔夫子。Marx and Mao can't hold their ground, so they brought out Confucius.

我想,这大概就是孔夫子所说的“不逾矩”吧。To me, that is what Confucius defines as “not overstepping the bounds”.

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你们称呼我夫子,称呼我主,你们说的不错,我本来是。You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am.

孔夫子说报不尽是父母恩,我无地自容而且为之汗颜。Confucius said quote is not all parents boon, me ashamed and embarrassed for.

我想,这大概就是孔夫子所说的“不逾矩”吧。I guess that's probably the sort of "do whatever you like"supported by Confucius.

实际上,孔夫子明确表示不谈怪力乱神。In fact, Confucius explicitly stated that he would not talk about gods or ghosts.

是否在上海科技馆举行一场孔夫子的个展还有待观察。Whether Confucius will have a solo show in the Shanghai museum remains to be seen.

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是甚么赋与祂的教训有那么大的权能,远超过其他夫子的教训呢?What gave his teaching such power that it went beyond anything other rabbis taught?

又有税吏来受洗,问他说,夫子,我们当作什么呢。Tax collectors also came to be baptized. "Teacher, " they asked, "what should we do?"

他常年周游列国,游说孔夫子的主张。For many years he travelled from state to state, teaching the principles of Confucius.

新的公众需要比文绉绉的夫子所提供的更有味道的作品。Still the new public wanted something more savoury than its elegant teachers had given.

同样,从韩国到越南,孔夫子一直被当作神像来崇拜。Confucius also continues to be a godlike figure revered in temples from Korea to Vietnam.

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山东是许多著名学者的故乡,例如孔夫子和孟子。Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius.

张一一是个争议性的人物,曾自比中国的大圣人---孔夫子。Zhang is a controversial figure who once compared himself to China's great sage, Confucius.

有一个官问耶稣说,善良的夫子,我该作什吗事,才可以承受永生。And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?