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化肥厂邻接农机厂。The school adjoins the factory.

迪尔农机的销售与农场的收入息息相关。Deere's sales closely track farm income.

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农机工具的使用在继续增加。The use of farm machinery continued to increase.

为进一步分析我国农机化电子政务提供参考。It provides reference for further analysis of agricultural e-government.

现代农业是以现代农机装备为基础的农业。A modern agriculture is one based on modern farm machinery and equipment.

灰铁为农机零件常用材料,磨损是灰铁零件最常见的失效形式。Gray cast iron is a common material for the part of the agricultural machinery.

成为华中地区最大规模农机的订货会。It has become the greatest farm machinery exchange fair of the center China area.

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目前,国内农机市场缺少价格低、操作简单、效果好的气吸式穴盘播种机。At present, it is lack of air-suction plug seeder with low price, simple operation.

四要规范农机培训,提升农机手素质。Four want standard farm machinery training, promotes the farm machinery poor nature.

增加农机配件、减速机的配件加工等各项业务。Increase in agricultural machinery parts, accessories reducer processing operations.

近年来,烟台市在农机服务产业化方面进行了一系列实践探索。In recent year, Yantai City has developed a series of practice and search at this field.

从需求和需求链的角度分析农机化问题,是理解和分析中国农机化问题的关键。The demand chain management is the mode of management that emphases meeting the demands.

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本文利用它们对农机薄壁结构结点的优化设计进行了探讨。An approach to optimal design for farm machinery thin-wall structure is made in this article.

用石油驱动的农机,比如犁和拖拉机,也不需要了。Farm machines that use fossil fuels, like blows plows and tractors, would not be needed either.

农机,矿山机械易损件的喷焊,如齿轮,车轴。Spray-fusing of vulnerable parts of agricultural machinery mining machinery, such as gear axletree.

提出了现代农机化管理的发展方向和构想。To proposed development direction and speculation of present agricultural mechanization management.

农机市场是农机工业和农业机械化发展的重要影响因素。Farm machinery market is an important factor influencing farm machinery industries and mechanization.

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而且还出台了相关用于提升农机的柴油供应以及控制能源价格的计划。And it outlined moves to boost the supply of diesel, used for farm vehicles, and control energy prices.

如能为发展农业出力,将是本农机公司一生的荣幸。Doing our utmost for the development of agriculture is our farm machinery company's lifelong privilege.

介绍了辊锻技术的特点与适用范围,简要叙述了目前农机行业辊锻技术的应用情况。In this paper, the characteristics and applicable conditions of roll forging technology were introduced.