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收入证实是一定要盖公章的。Income proof must build official seal.

劳动合同1份盖公章。Labour contract with company stamp on it.

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能否只用公章不用其他印章?Six, can only use the seal without other seals?

我们的证明书以盖公章有效。Our certificates are made valid with the official seal.

因为没有公章的,只有签名。Because there is no official seal of , only the signatures.

咱们的质量证实书盖公章方为有效果。Our of Quality is made valid by means of the official seal.

“上面没有看见公章和签名,”她观察到。"I see no official seal and signature on it, " she observed.

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请在商标的委任状上加盖公章。Please affix a seal to the letter of attorney on the trademark.

我们的质量证书盖了公章方为有效。Our quality certificate is made valid by means of official seal.

咱们的质量证明书盖公章方为有效。Our Certificate of Quality is do valid by ways of the official seal.

我们的质量证实书盖公章方为有效。We'll improve the quality of our products and production efficiency.

我们的质量证实书盖公章方为有用。Our Certificate of Quality is made valid by means of the official seal.

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本保险凭证经本公司审核并加盖公章后方可生效。This Certificate takes effect after be underwritten and stamped by our company.

乙方提供的文件为复印件的,必须加盖乙方公章。Copies of documents Party B provides shall be affixed with Party B's official seal.

负责人的私章有时也需要和公章同样保护。Personal seals of the persons in charge should also be protected as official seals.

必须带营业执照副本,企业法人代码证,法人身份证,公章,委托书。Must bring a copy of business license, the enterprise legal person code certificate.

消防栓要加封条,封条写上日期加盖工厂公章。Hydrants must be covered by seals on which there are dates and chops from the factory.

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咱们的品质证实书盖公章方为有效。Our Certificate of Quality is fabricated accurate by agency of the official allowance.

我朋友再次顺利的通过复审,盖了公章,进入面试名单。My friend once again smoothly through the review, built a seal into the interview list.

我们的证明书以盖公章和局长签字为有效。Our certificate is valid by means of official seal and personal chop of the commissioner.