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我的车出故障了。My car has stalled.

后雾灯出现故障。Rear fog light failure.

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对不起,我的表出了故障。Sorry, it is out of order.

发动机象要发生故障了。The engine is conking out.

找出故障发生的原因.Find out why this happened.

这是一个安全无故障的设备。That is a fail-safe device.

这个耳机有故障了。This earphone is not working.

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这台打印机出故障了。This printer is out of order.

这该死的车又出故障了。The damn car broke down again.

这台机器出了故障。This machine is out of action.

哪知闹钟出了故障,没有按时响铃。The alarm had failed to go off.

他给我们学校当故障检修工。He troubleshoots for our school.

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这台电脑出故障了。There is something the computer.

很好,没有什么故障吧Okay good, no glitches with that?

栅极电路发生故障。The grid circuit is out of order.

这是南。南点故障。This is south. South points down.

这里的例外是故障转移。The exception to this is failover.

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高压截止器开关出故障。Faulty high pressure cut-off switch.

那台售票机故障了。That ticket machine is out of order.

这台电脑出了故障。Something is wrong with the computer.