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涓涓小溪也会成为滚滚洪流。A trickle becomes a torrent.

杨照加入了这股洪流。Yang Zhao entered this onrush.

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一股洪流喷薄而出。A powerful current spurted out.

一股洪流冲下河川。A torrent of water swept down the river.

珍贵的时刻全部遗失于洪流之中。The precious moments all are lost in the tide, yea.

请做好准备,以迎接免费服务洪流的到来。Get ready for a torrent of free services in its wake.

离子洪流,他补充说,“民主化”的序列。Ion Torrent, he added, would “democratize” sequencing.

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但商品的洪流也摧毁了整个美国工业。But that flood of goods also destroyed entire US industries.

雄心壮志就像洪流,从不后退。——塞缪尔约翰森。Ambition like a torrent never looks back. ----Samuel Johnson.

爱的洪流在波浪冲击下流入各处。And Love's flood-tide, in surging waves, is flowing everywhere.

浩荡的洪流冲过历史翻卷的漩涡。The mighty torrent rushing through the swirl of history rolled.

暴风雨变成一股洪流,在越来越强烈的狂风下,反复无常地猛冲着大地。The rain now becomes a torrent, flung capriciously by a rising wind.

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否则,山洪驱动器的用户必须保持重试,开始洪流。Else, Torrent Drive users have to keep retrying to start the torrent.

街上挤满了自行车,好像一股滚滚向前的洪流。The streets become congested with bikes, As if a flood surged forward.

同时,生活也在互联网的实时洪流中横冲直撞。Meanwhile, life has rampaged elsewhere on the Internet's real-time stream.

到今天为止,这涓涓细流提供了与滚滚洪流一样的财务营养。To date the trickle has provided as much financial nourishment as the flow.

你艰难地抵抗着洪水,你的肩上背着沉重的沙袋,我看见你推开手挽手的战友的胳膊,自己却被卷入了洪流中。I see you push one comrade-in-arms aside. but you are pushed into the flood.

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技术洪流总是滚滚向前,浩浩荡荡,无法阻挡。Technical onrush always is billow forward, vast and mighty, cannot hold back.

因此,为了控制未来的通货膨胀,中国必须堵住资金洪流的入口。To curb future inflation, China therefore needs to stem the flood of capital.

那些曾经的模样随风飘散在时间的洪流中相握向日葵歌词的手已不再温存。Those who like wind waft in time stream of hands held hands no longer attentive.