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鸭子是一种水上禽鸟。Ducks are a type of water fowl.

该动物园总共饲养了大约800只禽鸟。The zoo has about 800 birds in all.

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禽鸟衔其子寄生它木上,便郁茂。Birds bit its parasitic it wood, and woods which.

这些禽鸟也不应用做动物饲料。These birds should also not be used for animal feed.

凡禽鸟都是卵生,而它却是胎生的。Every birds bird is oviparous, and it is viviparity however.

奉政府谕,切勿接触或喂饲禽鸟。Government warning. Stay clear from birds and never feed them.

最近,在俄罗斯的禽鸟中也发现了H5N1型病毒。Most recently, H5N1 also has been detected in birds in Russia.

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到了周二,发现约有500只禽鸟死亡在路易斯安那州。Then on Tuesday, about 500 birds were found dead in Louisiana.

在吐鲁番市爆发的禽流感事件中,有将近5000只禽鸟死亡。Nearly five-thousand birds died in the outbreak in the city of Turpan.

大家快看!前面就是我们白洋淀的禽鸟自然保护区了。Please have a look. This is the wild bird natural reserve natural reserves.

据目前认为,H5N1病毒在中国很大一部分地区的禽鸟中流行。The H5N1 virus is now considered to be endemic in birds in large parts of China.

地方农业部门也发现了家养禽鸟中H5感染的证据。Local agricultural authorities also found evidence of H5 infection in household birds.

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任何气候都适宜于勇武金鸡的生长,他比本上的禽鸟更土。All climates agree with brave Chanticleer. He is more indigenous even than the natives.

如何预防和控制H5N1病毒在禽鸟中传播以及由禽鸟传给人类。How to prevent and contain the spread of H5N1 virus among birds and from birds to humans.

如同人类的情况一样,除禽鸟以外,在动物物种中的感染是罕见的事件。As is the case with humans, infections in animal species other than birds are rare events.

病毒的扩散使人们担心欧洲的禽鸟很快会受到感染。The migration of the virus has set off fears that flocks in Europe soon could be infected.

在疫区,并非始终有可能区分受感染和非受感染的禽鸟。It is not always possible to differentiate infected and non-infected birds in outbreak areas.

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那儿有许多人是低收入,珊瑚的石灰岩,棕榈树林隐蔽处,禽鸟来回飞翔,还有白沙滩。Many of them are low coral or limestone hideaways of palm trees, trade winds, and white sand.

禽类是由爬虫类进化而来,所以,第一只禽鸟肯定是从爬虫类孵化的蛋里出来的。Bird evolved from reptiles, so the first bird must have come out of an egg--laid by a reptile.

一些禽鸟物种,例如家鸭,可能窝藏该病毒而不显示症状。Some avian species, such as domestic ducks, may harbour the virus without displaying symptoms.