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可是现在这些城镇多数已经消声匿迹了。Now, however, most signs of the towns have disappeared.

国家首相和总统今天还在,明天便已消声匿迹。Prime ministers and presidents are here today and gone tomorrow.

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一旦降低成本计划失去了活力,它最终就会消声匿迹。Once a cost reduction program loses momentum, it eventually dies out.

布什的外交政策大部分的特征已经消声匿迹。Most of the hallmarks of the foreign policy of George W. Bush are gone.

他被剥夺一切荣誉之后,就从公共生活中消声匿迹了。Having been stripped of all his titles, he disappeared from public life.

然而,在这些立法获得成功以后,地球日似乎消声匿迹了。Then, in the wake of this legislative success, Earth Day seemed to disappear.

在消声匿迹两年之后,那个流氓上个月在泰国露面了。After disappearing for two years, the gangster surfaced in Thailand last month.

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一旦任务结束,年轻女子便从目标对象的生活中消声匿迹。Once the case is over, the young woman quietly disappears from the target’s life.

我们的这些深层次的问题难道应该去用医药和疗法来将它们消声匿迹吗?Should our profound questions be pushed down into silence with medication and drug therapy?

费舍尔说科比的要求让第3场比赛还历历在目,同时也让第3场比赛的失利消声匿迹。Fisher said doing that requires both keeping the Game 3 loss close, and also letting go of it.

好消息是冬天很快就会消声匿迹,暖天气马上到来。The good news is that Old Man Winter is sneaking out of town quietly, with more warmth on the way.

尽可能吃的好,睡的饱,也请不要再减肥了,你可以于SARS消声匿迹时再来减肥,在这段期间你需要很好的营养及很多的能量来对抗SARS。Eat well and sleep well, stop your diet! Do it after SARS under control, you need all the nutrition and energy for the time being.

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另外,宽松牛仔裤和短茄克衬衫也未能盖住他自从银幕消声匿迹以来养的肥膘。Meanwhile, his baggy jeans and lumberjack shirt did little to hide the extra pounds he has clearly gained since disappearing from our screens.

为迎接明年的奥运,北京市现正展开一项净化脏污空气能力测试,约一百三十万部车辆将在北京街道上「消声匿迹」。About 1.3 million vehicles are now missing from Beijing's streets, a test of the city's ability to clean its dirty air for next year's Olympic Games.

而秦天罡等人在声势浩大收了几回药后,并没有消声匿迹,又将东兴县内一家由日自己创办的明和药房引爆。And qin plough and others after the fanfare accepted a few back to medicine, no absence, and large county established by day and pharmacies to detonate.

当人与人分开之后,会不会就这样被人遗忘?某些潜藏着的情感会不会就这样消声匿迹?After parting when person and person, can be you forgotten so? Certain can the affection that hiding go into hiding with respect to such noise elimination?

其结果,正如报告的专家们期望和欢迎的那样,将是「兜售改善受聘价值」的学习课目将人人趋之若骛,而那些无此功效的将消声匿迹。The result, anticipated and welcomed by the report's authors, will be that courses of study that "deliver improved employability will prosper, " while those that don't "will disappear.

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到了当年的年尾,「奥杜邦杂志」以及「国家公园杂志」刊登了那本书额外的一些摘录,而那些当初强烈抨击卡森的自私人们几乎很快的就消声匿迹。By year's end, Audubon and National Parks Magazine had published additional excerpts from the book, and all but the most self-serving of Carson's attackers were backing rapidly toward safer ground.