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病原体也进化来逃避“躲避”。Pathogens evolve to evade the evasions.

一旦发现病原体,就会把它吞噬掉。When the amoebas find a pathogen, they devour it.

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已经发现至少有一种禽病的病原体。At least one avian disease pathogen has been found.

是否抗滤过性病原体药物可以治疗猪流感?Can swine flu be treated with antiviral medications?

结果表明,该病病原体为产气单胞菌。The result showed that the pathogen was Aeromonas sp.

UU成为杭州地区主要的性病病原体。UU is the main Venereal Disease pathogen in Hangzhou.

一种叫肠病毒的病原体引起手足口病的感染。Viruses from the group called enteroviruses cause HFMD.

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这些病原体包括了病毒、细菌和真菌。These pathogens can include viruses, bacteria and fungi.

难辨梭状芽孢杆菌是一种革兰阳性肠道病原体。Clostridium difficile is a gram-positive enteric pathogen.

此外还有支原体等病原体感染。In addition also has pathogen infections and so on mycoplasma.

这种对寄主--病原体相互作用的理解可能成为i进行干预治疗的基础。This understanding could then be a foundation for intervention.

这种病原体是现有病原体的新株型,还是全新的?Is the pathogen a new strain of an existing foe or something new?

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我国学者方定一于1961年首次分离到该病的病原体。The pathogen was first isolated by Fang ding-yi in China in 1961.

但是其它形式的致命病原体今天依然折磨着受害者。But other forms of the deadly pathogen still plague victims today.

这张图片显示了莱姆病原体在人类血液中的样子。Here, the pathogen that causes Lyme disease is shown in human blood.

还有一些发现指向了病毒和真菌病原体的协同作用。Some findings pointed to viral and fungal pathogens working together.

迄今尚未对该病进行全面分析从而弄清楚病原体。The disease has not yet been fully analysed to understand the pathogen.

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你的免疫系统发现你的肺部有病原体后释放组胺。Your immune system spots pathogens in your lungs and releases histamine.

肯伦说,新合成物有希望对抗两种主要的病原体。Conlon says the new compounds show promise in fighting 2 major pathogens.

不断变异和适应是病原体的生存机理。Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of pathogens.