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阻滞了的希望使心头怅惘。Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

神经阻滞,超声,和多发性硬化症。Nerve blocks, ultrasounds, and multiple sclerosis.

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行脊麻与硬膜外联合阻滞麻醉。Spinal and extradural combined anesthesia were used.

晶体是引起瞳孔阻滞的主要因素。The lens is the main factor causing papillary block.

小的分子被阻滞在层折柱上。Small molecules are retarded from leaving the column.

也许你的创造力会因此而受阻滞。And its probably sapping your creativity along with it.

记录痛觉阻滞平面达T10水平的时间。The time of algesia block level reached T10 was recorded.

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超声能够影响神经阻滞的风险效益比值吗?Can ultrasound impact the risk-benefit ratio for nerve blocks ?

气郁体质者,多表现为气机阻滞。Qiyu physique, more than the performance of air-resistance lag.

目的观察椎旁神经阻滞在疼痛治疗中的效果。Conclusion Paraspinal nerve block have certain analgesia effect.

由于在效率观上存在的误区,当代中国的行政法制发展受到阻滞。It is hampered by the miscomprehension on the view of efficiency.

决奈达隆具有多通道阻滞的电生理特性。It is a multichannel blocker with electrophysiological properties.

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能源短缺阻滞着许多工业部门的发展。Energy shortages are chok in g growth in many branches of industry.

苯海拉明有弱的镇痛作用,无坐骨神经动作电位阻滞作用。It also inhibited action potential transmission of frog sciatic nerve.

目的观察椎旁神经阻滞在疼痛治疗中的效果。Objective To evaluate the effect and safety of paraspinal nerve block.

简而言之,信用创造的机制受到阻滞,美联储的货币政策无法发挥作用。In short, the credit creation mechanism clogs up and becomes inoperative.

组织膜是体内粉尘迁移的隔离阻滞带。Tissue membrane is the retardation cingulum of dust transference in vivo.

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涂料。厚塑料涂层。滴水渗透的阻滞。Paints . thick plastics coatings . retardation of dripping water diffusion.

结论上胸段硬膜外阻滞是治疗顽固性心绞痛的有效方法之一。Conclusion TEA is one of the effective methods of treatment angina pectoris.

在超声引导下行斜角肌间神经阻滞,我们知道哪里是神经外膜吗?In ultrasound-guided interscalene block, do we know where the epineurium is?