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高温使陶土硬化。Great heat indurates clay.

它们是陶土烧制而成的。They are kiln-fired pottery.

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陶土飞靶很难获得。It's hard to get clay targets.

真正的陶土专业是希曼的第一个专业。Real clay was Seaman's first specialty.

不行。你得用陶土制成的砂锅煮药。No, you can't. You'd better use an earthenware pot.

玛塞拉说上帝是一位塑造陶土的陶工。Marcella says that God is the potter molding the clay.

把它称为陶土是因为它们的化学成分有些类似。It's called clay only because its consistency is similar.

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深陶土色带柔和的古铜和金色光芒。Deep terra cotta shade with a soft copper and gold shimmer.

请记住,热可以融化黄油也可以使陶土变硬。Remember, the same heat that melts butter also hardens clay.

颜色是干燥焦枯的,就像陶土的颜色。The colours were dry and burnt, like the colours in pottery.

就是一种褐色的陶土杯,杯底内画有一只绿色的小青蛙。A brown earthenware mug with a little green frog at the bottom.

伊特鲁利亚人用陶器或陶土来制作艺术品。The Etruscans created fine art with terra cotta, orbakbaked clay.

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“就算我一个人呆着,手里拿着五彩的陶土就会很兴奋”,她说。I can be alone and hold color in my hands and be excited,” she said.

鼓腔用陶土烧制--是土鼓的遗存。The drum cavity is made of pottery clay, inherited from the earth drum.

陶土议会拒绝调查奈普图隆消失的原因!RetroDragon The Earthen Ring refuses to investigate the vanish of Neptulon.

这里的象征意义的蓝绿色和陶土制品为创造和再生是显而易见的。The symbolism of blue-green and faience for creation and rebirth is evident here.

陶土议会拒绝调查奈普图隆消失的原因!RetroDragon The Earthen Ring refuses to investigate the disappearance of Neptulon.

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当我们将陶土挖空成凹字型时,这些新的成品就成为器皿矣。Pounding argil is to make ware. When we dig central part of argil, it becomes a ware.

“当我看到这种陶土的时候,其他的东西都显得黯淡无光了”,希曼说。When I found this clay, everything else just faded into the background,” Seaman said.

凹凸棒土可以取代轻钙、陶土和白炭黑,作为橡胶补强材料。Attapulgite can fill rubber replacing the light calcium carbonate, argiland white charcoal.