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他是真诚的。He is sincere.

真诚的恭维。Give authentic compliments.

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他想要信任和真诚。He wants trust and honesty.

我会永远真诚。I'd be eternally faithfull.

他真诚地爱他的妻子。He loved his wife devotedly.

他的真诚打动了她。His sincerity impressed her.

我真诚地希望你们能喜欢。I do hope that you enjoy it.

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这是很真诚的一种声明。This is a sincere statement.

你的意思是你不够真诚吗?Are you saying you're not sincere?

䌷署请接受我真诚的歉意。Please accept my deepest apologies.

她对人的关心是真诚的。Her interest in people was unfeigned.

我努力付出,真诚相待每个人。I work hard, with sincerity everyone.

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真诚的友谊是不多心的。Sincere friendship is not suspicious.

当彼此真诚的爱情之花绽放时。When the flower of honest love bloom.

你的信息一定要真诚,有礼数。Be genuine and polite in your message.

他真诚地改信了基督教。He honestly converted to Christianity.

我们真诚地希望各位能够共襄盛举。We sincerely hope you will be with us.

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你必须真诚地祈望幸福生活。You must sincerely desire to be happy.

诚实,真挚,真诚。Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness.

人们都真诚地相信这一点。People believed this, in all sincerity.