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毕竟是无线电设备发出的。after all, radios do that.

你有没有无线电对讲机啊?Do you have a walkie-talkie?

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那艘船用无线电发出求救信号。The ship radioed a call for help.

我告诉他说,无线电就像这个世界一样。I told him, radio is like the world.

我们用无线电向北京请示。We radioed Beijing for instructions.

这情报是用无线电发送的。The message was transmitted by radio.

云层很底,无线电不能到达你那里。Have been unable to reach you by radio.

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他用无线电与那条船取得联系。He made contact with the ship by radio.

我们通过无线电与那只船取得了联系。We made contact with the ship by radio.

艾德温.H。阿姆斯特朗发明调频无线电。FM radio invented by Edwin H. Armstrong.

他用无线电与指挥塔取得了联系。He contacted the control tower by radio.

他们向卫星定向发出无线电信号。They beamed the signal to the satellite.

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汤姆的父亲在无线电厂工作。Tom's father works in the radio factory.

船发出无线电旌旗灯号告急。The ship gave out radio signals for help.

那边的人的作品在无线电厂。A man over there works at a radio factory.

你能看见那座山上的无线电天线吗?Can you see the radio antenna on that hill?

船只使用无线电互通信息。Ships sent messages to each other by radio.

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我们在无线电里收到了呼救信号。We picked up signals for help in the radio.

我们在无线电里收到了呼救信号。We picked up signals for help on the radio.

部落区的人民都是无线电广播爱好者。People in FATA are a captive radio audience.