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全国政协主席贾庆林将发表讲话。CPPCC Chairman Jia Qinglin will deliver a speech.

尊敬的全国人大、政协领导,尊敬的东盟国家各位朋友Respected leaders of National People’s Congress, CPPCC

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人民政协的职能和任务特别而艰巨。The functions and tasks of the CPPCC are special and arduous.

民主监督是人民政协的基本职能之一。Democratic supervision is one of the basic functions of CPPCC.

政协民主监督具有自己独特的优势。So, CPPCC Democratic Supervision has its own unique advantages.

希望政协委员们如果自己实在提不出好的议案就不要提好了!If they can't think of any good proposals, why don't they just leave?

十届全国人大代表,桂林市政协副主席。The ten National People's Congress, Guilin municipal CPPCC Vice chairman.

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提案是人民政协履行基本职能的主要载体。Proposals are the major carriers for the CPPCC to perform its basic roles.

塘沽区政协副主席杨志刚出席会议。Tanggu District, Vice Chairman of CPPCC Yang Zhigang attended the meeting.

西部大开发战略的实施对人民政协工作提出了新的更高的要求。The implementation of such strategy set higher demands to the CPPCC's work.

政协湖南省第十届委员会第一次会议开幕式现场。The first meeting of the 10th CPCC of Hunan Province was held on January 18.

俞正声在参加正在进行的上海市政协会议上发表了上述言论。Yu made the remarks at the ongoing annual session of the municipal advisory body.

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国家主席胡锦涛、国务院总理温家宝和全国政协主席贾庆林将分别与他会见。Premier Wen Jiabao and CPPCC Chairman Jia Qinglin will meet with him respectively.

人民政协的理论基础是人民民主。The theoretic base of the people's political conference is the people's democracy.

中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会的全体会议是中国政协最高层次的协商形式。Plenary session is regarded as the highest level of consultation form of the CPPCC.

滨海新区政协主席张同庆在主席台就座。Tianjin Binhai New Area Committee Chairman Zhang Celebration seated on the rostrum.

全国政协副主席阿不来提·阿不都热西提将出席开幕式并致辞,外交部部长助理刘振民将率中国代表团与会。Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin will lead the Chinese delegation to the meeting.

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从1983年到2005年逝世,他还在政协的常务委员会中任职。He also held a position in Standing Committee of CPPCC from 1983 till his death in 2005.

中国全国政协与摩尔多瓦议会也有着紧密的联系。He noted that the CPPCC of China and the Moldavian Parliament also have very close ties.

墨议会愿加强与中国全国政协的交流与合作。The Mexican parliament is willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the CPPCC.