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我也想要点茶。I also want some tea.

我要点特餐.I’ll have the special.

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我想要点腌肉和蛋。I'd like bacon and eggs.

这只是其中的要点。This was the gist of it.

但我想要点曲奇饼干。But I'd like some cookies.

但是你可以看到这个要点。But you can see the point.

我应该提出哪些要点?What points should I make?

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你还想要点。别的吗?D. o you want anything else?

我把所有要点都写下了吗Have I got the main ones now?

我要点洋葱炒猪肝。I'll have the live and onion.

我得向你要点烹饪秘诀。I’ll have to get your recipe.

好,我要点回车了,瞧!So now I hit enter and voila!

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我要点你们的提拉米苏。I'd like to try your tiramisu.

你还要点汤吗?Would you like some more soup?

长串要点符号很糟。The long bullet points are bad.

你还想。要点甜的东西吗?Wo. uld you like anything else?

在饭店里不要点过多的食物。Don't over-order in restaurants.

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让我们来概括一下要点。Let's recapitulate the main ideas.

或许是他们都没抓住要点。Perhaps they are missing the point.

还有另一个接近要点的例子。Yet another example close to heart.