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深州蜜桃驰名中外,有1900多年的历史。Ahernaria famous, there are 1900 years of history.

石岛红矿山驰名中外被誉为“中国石材第一矿”。" Shidao red mine famous and known as "the first mine of stone.

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驰名中外的旅游胜地北戴河,山清水秀,风光旖旎。World renowned tourist resort in Beidaihe, a beautiful, beautiful scenery.

境内有驰名中外的避暑山庄和外八庙,是理想的旅游胜地。Territory the world-famous Mountain Resort is an ideal tourist destination.

黄山是一座驰名中外的旅游名山,被联合国列入世界文化和自然遗产。Huangshan Mountain was well known as the tourism hot area all over the world.

区内有驰名中外的白鹿原和有花果山之称的洪庆山。Districts in the world-famous White Deer and Huaguoshan known as Hung Chin-shan.

金丝小枣是沧州地区土特产品之一,驰名中外。The Jinsi jujube is one of native product in the Cangzhou Area in Hebei Province.

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驰名中外的京杭大运河穿风景区而过。Renowned at home and abroad of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and had to wear Scenic Area.

綦江是驰名中外的农民版画之乡,习水是享誉四海的美酒产地。Qijiang is the famous home of farmers ' prints, a swimmer is universal in wine producing areas.

刀削面是山西人民日常喜食的面食,因其风味独特,驰名中外。Noodles is shanxi people daily like to eat, because the pasta unique flavor, at home and abroad.

潮汕地区的工艺美术源远流长,如花似锦,驰名中外。Chaozhou-Shantou area has a long history of arts and crafts, will have a bright flowery and famous.

主要养殖品种有文蛤、对虾、青蟹、沙蟹、鲢鱼等,其中灵昆的文蛤驰名中外。The main farmed species are clams, shrimp, mud crab, sand crab, silver carp and so on, in which Ling-Kun's famous clam.

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昌黎气候宜人,山川秀丽,景色优美,是驰名中外的旅游胜地。Changli enjoys pleasant climate. Its splendid landscape and picturesque scenery make it a world renowned tourist resort.

打狗的乌金-乌鱼子,在17世纪初期,驰名中外,开启了与世界接轨的起点。In the early 17th century, mullet roe, famous as the "black gold" of Kaohsiung, first connected this city with the world.

洛阳牡丹久负盛名,驰名中外。牡丹花会已经成为洛阳新名片。Luoyang peony has become famous for a long time both in China and abroad. Peony fair has become Luoyang's new visiting card.

如今,中国白酒仍以其精湛的工艺、独特的风格和最大的产销量而驰名中外。Today, Chinese Baijiu still famous with its superb technology, a unique style and maximum volume of production and marketing.

就任新闻局局长以来,更以完美的同步翻译驰名中外。Since becoming Director-General of the G. I. O. , he has become renowned worldwide for his flawless simultaneous interpretations.

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远离了城市的尘嚣纷扰,驰名中外的八达岭将您带入一个银装素裹、莹剔透的人间仙境!Far from the noisy city, the world famous Badaling will bring you to the world of fairyland, a snow-white and crystal clear world!

这里不仅以其独特的自然景观驰名中外,更以其“麦草方格”的治沙成果享誉世界。Here is famous for its unique natural sight, and enjoys honor on the world due to its sand-treatment achievement of Wheat Grass Square.

苏绣是我国著名的手工艺品,素以精细雅洁驰名中外,多次被国家领导人作为国家级礼品送给外宾。Famous for its delicacy and refinement, Su Embroidery has played several times the role of presents to foreign guest by leaders of China.