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你我浸泡在月亮里,端坐三生石。You I soak in a moon in, sit up great stone.

“哎呀,”端坐着的阿尔瓦高兴说,“还有什么?”"Oh, " says Alvah sitting up glad, "and what else?

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他端坐在玻璃座上,非常安详,面带微笑。He was sitting on the grass, very peaceful, smiling.

在他数数的过程中,那20个人像一尊尊石雕一样端坐在那儿。The 20 people sit like stone images while he counts.

孔子睡觉不像死尸那样僵直,家居不像做客那样端坐。He would not sleep like a corpse, nor stt like a guest.

货摊前,商人们端坐在丝毯上。In front of their booths sit the merchants on silken carpets.

在两排红色的坐垫上,端坐着“委员会”的成员们。On two rows of red cushions sat the members of the Committee.

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一尊瓷观音端坐在莲花瓣上,莲花下是波涛纹。A porcelain Guanyin seated on a lotus flower over breaking waves.

但是注意到没有发烧,端坐呼吸,或尿量减少。But there was no fever , orthopnea or decreased urine output noted.

在菩提树下,佛祖端坐中间,神态安详。Under the Linden Tree, Buddha sat up in the middle and appeared calm.

强迫端坐呼吸疾病已经结束,我的精力又到顶峰。The orthopnea had gone away , and my energy level just went through the roof.

自1913年起,这条美人鱼就一直端坐在哥本哈根港口附近的一块岩石上。The mermaid has been sitting on a rock beside Copenhagen's harbour since 1913.

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端坐在莲花座上,从事瑜珈者看到自己被转变成为不朽之神。Sitting in the lotus-seat, the yogi sees himself transfigured into an immortal.

抬眼前望,端坐寺内慈祥而又自信莫测的大肚弥勒佛正向你哈哈大笑。Looking up, the kind-looking and self-confidence Buddha Maitreya smiles toward you.

将时间筑成一道溪流,然后端坐堤上,俯视其流动。Of time you would make a stream upon whose bank you would sit and watch its flowing.

在密克罗尼西亚的雅浦岛附近,一只色彩斑斓的扇贝正张大了嘴端坐在礁石上面。A multi-colored scallop sits open-mouthed on a reef off the Yap Islands in Micronesia.

今日傻傻的端坐在窗前,抬头凝望着月亮里的嫦娥仙子。Shasha Duanzuo today in the window, the rise Staring at the moon in the Chang'e Fairy.

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当他的朋友们发出恳求时这位菲律宾军方第二号人物冷静地端坐。The Philippines’s second-ranking military officer sat patiently as his friends pleaded.

他看见薄伽梵为众人围绕,正端坐说法。Then he saw the Blessed One sitting surrounded by a large assembly, teaching the Dhamma.

我就拿着工具,端坐在地上,望着忙了半天,满心欢喜,但却发现空空如也的墙壁内部,半天说不出话来。Some time later I find myself sitting on the floor, tools in my hands, staring at nothing.