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加入1茶匙鱼露来提升鲜味的效果。Add 1 tsp of fish sauce for umami or fifth-taste effect.

鲜味经常被用来作为风味增强剂,在东方和西方文化。Umami has frequently been used as a flavor enhancer, in both Eastern and Western cultures.

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在过去的一年中,英国航空公司已经在菜单上加入了很多富含鲜味的食物。Over the past year, British Airways has altered its recipes to load up on umami-rich foods.

用冷水炖鱼无腥味,并应一次加足水,若中途再加水,会冲淡原汁的鲜味。Add sufficient cold water once and for all to stew fish, or else it will dilute its freshness.

某些感觉不受高海拔影响,尤其是所谓的第五味,鲜味。Some of our senses, however, are unaffected by altitude, especially the so-called fifth taste, umami.

以美极鲜酱油腌制的海鲜,以烤焗方法来烹调,除了令海鲜鲜味扑鼻而来外,入口时鲜味会更突出。Grilled or baked seafood marinated with MAGGI Seasoning not only smell wonderful but also taste delicious.

商业上它已经被用来作为鲜味增强剂、改良剂以及被用来作为一些药物的遮味剂。It is already used commercially as a flavour enhancer and modifier and to mask the taste of some medicines.

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那都很不错,但都比不上蒸鱼的清爽滋味,鱼的鲜味完全没有被盖住。That's all nice, but nothing beats the clear flavor of steamed fish, with nothing to disguise the freshness.

这一变化提供了一种更加成熟的味道,在没有破坏其他食物风味同时提高了它们的鲜味。This change provided a more mellow flavor which enhanced the taste of other foods without overpowering them.

在运作过程中,龙虾需要从海水中移到冷水箱里以保持其新鲜味美。During processing, lobsters need to be moved from ambient to cold water tanks to keep them healthy and tasty.

本产品是由高质量蓝莓果粒精制而成,它保存了水果的鲜味。This product is made from high quality blueberry fruit grain of refined but become, it keeps the fruit freshness.

解决之道是,加入鲜味这种可以在番茄、帕尔马干酪、蘑菇、辣酱油等食物中可以品尝到的味道。Enter umami, the savory taste found in tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, mushrooms, Worcestershire sauce and other foods.

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其他航空公司表示,他们也针对飞行中的味觉变化尝试了调整飞机餐和酒品,但是大多数航空公司还没有采用鲜味。Other airlines say they try to tailor food and wine for parched palates, but most haven't gone down the umami road.

加入浓郁、鲜味中带甜的独特罗惹酱料是这个大马槟城小吃最大的特色。Add rich, unique flavor and sweet with Rojak sauce is the mainly feature of this traditional Malaysian Penang snacks.

以肉鲜味美,肉质饱满而著称的阿拉斯加蜘蛛蟹生活在3,600多米深的的北极圈冰海海底里。Alaska Spider Crab normally live in the 3,600m deep sea in the Arctic Circle, it famous of its meat's rich and tender.

本研究用黄粉为玉米蛋白质原料,通过“低盐固态发酵法”酿造鲜味调味液。Using yellow powder as corn protein material by solid and low salt content fermentation, flavor seasoning was obtained.

人类生来就喜爱甜的、咸的与有鲜味的食物,以获得我们所需的能量、电解质和蛋白质。Humans are hardwired to love the sweet, savory and salty foods that provide the energy, protein and electrolytes we need.

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如果你想让你的秋葵汤口味更香浓的话,可以加一些鸡精或者其他一些可以增加鸡汤鲜味的东西在水里。If you want more flavor in your gumbo, add a little chicken flavoring or substitute homemade chicken stock for the water.

此外,肺部的味蕾只能感知辣味,而舌头可以感受到酸、甜、苦、辣和其他鲜味。Additionally, they can only sense bitter flavors, instead of the sour, sweet, salty and umami scope our tongue can detect.

这种夺走肉类鲜味的液体的副产品被广泛用作其他食物的调味料。The liquid byproducts that leeched from meat preserved in this way were commonly used as liquid seasonings for other foods.