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如果你希望对分析哲学知道得更多,事情会进行得顺顺当当。If you wish to know more about it, things are going very well.

你不能指望人家把所有的答案都顺顺当当地奉送给你。You can't expect people to give you all the answers on a plate.

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谢谢你和我们分享你的故事,同时也预祝你即将来临的搬家顺顺当当。thank you for sharing your story. and good luck on your upcoming move.

你惟一的快乐时光便是一切都顺顺当当尽如人意。The only time you're likely to be happy is when everything is working out just right.

然而这一天终于来到了,剑顺顺当当地插入了鞘。However, there came a day finally when the sword slipped into the scabbard quite easily.

直到吉姆患严重感冒以前,我们的度假还是顺顺当当的,打那以后,一切都变得索然无味了。Our holiday was fine until Jim went down with a bad cold after that it all got rather dull.

有钱就可以顺顺当当一辈子,没钱,就只有干看着没自己什么事的份了。Shunshundangdang money can be a lifetime, no money, just do not see what their own copies of the.

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我记得我当时认为他是属于少数一切都顺顺当当的幸运儿。I remember thinking that he was one of those lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right.

尽管我和玛丽贝丝都希望能够和女儿共度这个夏天,但我们只是希望她能顺顺当当地回到家。While Mary Beth and I are looking forward to spending the summer with our daughter, we just hope her return to the nest will be equally successful.

人们偏向于使一生中的消费顺顺当当,所以在他们工作的期间,他们的消费要少于储蓄以便积累财富,而当一旦他们退休,就会开始领取资金。People like to smooth consumption over their lifetimes, so during their working years they spend less than they earn and accumulate wealth, which they then draw down once they retire.

亲爱的,我今天才知道老板可真器重我,他要我在他渡假时主管业务,因为他知道我会把一切管得井井有条、顺顺当当的。Honey, I learned today the boss really trusts me a lot. He told me he's leaving me in charge while he goes away on vacation because he knows I'll keep things shipshape and running smoothly.