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希望你们也能重视。We hope you do as well.

我们都重视教育。All of us value education.

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他从来不重视我的话。He never regards what I say.

他的警告值得引起重视。His warning was worth heeding.

除了外在美,内在美也要重视。Work on your inner beauty too.

这些军演在该地区很受重视。It is appreciated in the region.

重视这段与孩子在一起的时光。Value those times with you kids.

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我们非常重视贵社所提出的建议。We value your suggestion highly.

我也确实重视你的贡献。And I do value your contribution.

重视职业教育。Emphasis on vocational education.

专注于交付他们所重视的。Focus on delivering what they value.

太极拳更重视修身养性,心神安静。Practicing Quan is to calm your mind.

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您看得出,我很重视这个位子。You see, I am attached to this place.

凡是优秀作家都重视细节的描写。A good writer is careful about details.

只有不帅的男人才重视美貌。Only less attractive men stress beauty.

魏文侯非常重视人才。Wei Wenhou valued the talent very much.

良言于最需要时最不受重视。忠言逆耳。Advice when most needed is least heeded.

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中国非常重视作弊现象。China takes the cheating very seriously.

他非常重视律师所提的建议。He valued his lawyers' advice very much.

大海因为包容万有而被人重视。The sea overwhelms us with forcefulness.