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他通晓世界史。He is conversant in world history.

迈克尔通晓计算机。Michael is all genned up computers.

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他通晓所有的事物的过去和将来。He telleth all things Past and to Come.

通过眼球速动睡眠,人们可以成为通晓未来的水晶球吗?Could REM sleep turn you into a crystal ball?

他通晓当地所有的语言和方言。He knew all the local languages and dialects.

这些学生中大多数通晓英语。Most of the students understand English well.

他通晓印第安语和方言。He knows all the Indian languages and dialects.

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她总认为她通晓天下事,可能每位作母亲的都是这样。She thinks she knows all, as maybe most mothers do.

这个客人通晓中国古代史。The guest is familiar with Chinese ancient history.

这位学生通晓英语对他学法语很有帮助。The student knowing English will help him in learning French.

跟郭维盛一样通晓篮球,跟他合作很愉快!Much like G Money he knows basketball and is fun to work with!

愚者亦能创造财富,唯有智者才通晓用财之道。Any fool can create wealth, but only the wise know what to do with it.

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难道这就意味美国人在这个星球上是通晓多种语言的旅行者吗?Does this mean Americans are the most polyglot tourists on the planet?

他通晓四种语言,并曾为皇帝遍游整个王国。He knew four languages and traveled around the kingdom for the leader.

他可能是个科学家,通晓光的原理He might be a scientist and know all sorts of things about how light works.

融入多元种族生活,通晓英语,至关重要。Integration into the multi-ethnic life, proficient in English is essential.

通晓世事的学生们曾在网上目睹当时的视频。The worldly-wise students had seen videos of the Tiananmen massacre online.

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通晓两种语言者似乎在学习新语言方面也比单一语言者更为出色。Bilinguals also appear to be better atlearning new languages than monolinguals.

这个版本针对的是企业决策者、IT经理和通晓数门知识的人。This version is aimed at business decision makers and IT managers and generalists.

此人通晓集成电路,于1968年与人共同创建了英特尔公司。He would know a thing or two about integrated circuits. He co-founded Intel in 1968.