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生理盐水含有盐分。Saline contains salt.

对照组与AD模型组则给予等量的生理盐水灌胃。CG and ADG gave the same dose of Sodium Chloride.

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按指导用生理盐水制成鼻喷雾,全天使用。Use saline nasal spray as directed throughout the day.

阴性对照组仅以等量生理盐水灌胃。Negative control group only fed with PSS part. aeq, Qd.

首先,使用清洁水或生理盐水小心清洗断指。First, gently clean the amputated part with water or saline.

布朗医生称,人们也可以使用生理盐水清洗隐形眼镜。Dr. Brown says people can use a saline cleaner for contact lenses.

那么,硅胶和生理盐水,到底有什么不同?What's the difference between saline and silicone breast implants?

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各小组分别用生理盐水或盐酸贝尼地平灌胃6周。In the second group Benidipine, Hydrochloride was used for 6 weeks.

丹菟注射液组及生理盐水组建立创伤性关节炎模型。Traumatic arthritis models were established in D antu and NS groups.

治疗应包括温生理盐水静脉滴注。Therapy should consist of intravenous infusion of warm isotonic saline.

左侧膝关节腔注射生理盐水,作为对照侧。The normal saline was injected into the left knee joints as the control.

相反,晶体溶液,生理盐水或乳酸林格氏的建议。Instead, crystalloids, normal saline or lactated Ringer's are recommended.

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生理盐水鼻腔喷雾剂和灌溉工具包就可以买到柜台。Saline nasal sprays and irrigation kits can be purchased over-the-counter.

这两个组的患者都接受了通过导管注射生理盐水的治疗。In both groups, patients received an injection of saline into the catheter.

在植入体内前,采用肝素化生理盐水清洗导管。Flush the catheter with heparinized saline prior to insertion into the body.

正常对照组大鼠予等量生理盐水肌注。The treatment group intramuscular inject Sodium Chloride at the same dosage.

同时,复合材料的生理盐水浸取液不引起鼠伤寒沙门氏菌回复突变数增加。The material does not increase the number of reversion mutation in Ames test.

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对照组给予生理盐水代替当归注射液治疗。Chinese angelica parenteral solution was replaced by normal saline in control group.

第五、在使用肝素生理盐水洗涤管路的时候,要同时把管路里的空气排掉。Fifth, the use of heparin saline wash pipe when the pipe to the air while the drain.

一半的小白鼠注射GMCSF,而另一半则注射安慰剂生理盐水。Half of the mice were injected with GMCSF, the other with a placebo saline solution.