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他是一位很有技巧、驾轻就熟的机械修理工。He played the piece with effortless artistry.

一些人驾轻就熟,其他人则否。Some people have a facility for driving and others do not.

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我们知道怎么让孩子们早早上床,在这方面我们已驾轻就熟了。Old hands by now, we knew how to prepare the kids for an early bedtime.

创造得越多,在实现想法上面你就会更驾轻就熟。The more you create the better you become at making your ideas a reality.

从我本身的背景来看,TMT肯定是我自己比较驾轻就熟的。From my own view of the background, TMT is certainly familiar with my own comparison.

面对当代生活的剧变和巨变,相信没有人能够驾轻就熟并应付裕如。Facing gigantic changes in modern life, it is believed that no one can handle with ease.

而现在,从检查车辆到逮捕嫌疑人的种种技能,对于她来说都已驾轻就熟。Now, she has learned to do everything from vehicle inspections to apprehending suspects.

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补习班当老师,这可是冯洁的新鲜事,她学来驾轻就熟,一点都不费力。Learning how to perform her new task of teaching at a cram school was no sweat for Feng Chieh.

通过实践这套体系,你可以确保每天都有做一些事情来提升自己的各个方面,稳步提升自我似乎变成了一件驾轻就熟之事。By using this system, you can be sure that you do something everyday to improve yourself in all facets.

挥出自己的优势,挖掘自己的潜能,成为一个驾轻就熟、本邻超群的富人。Lead their own advantages, tap their own potential, to become a familiar, rich Chaoqun the neighborhood.

如以前用过钱龙软件,使用辽证钱龙金典版就驾轻就熟。Previously used software such as Longsheng, Liao permit the use of the familiar version of the Golden Longsheng.

李不俗驾轻就熟,在那些嵌裂透漏的缝隙中钻来转去。Li Busu was familiar with the route so they made rapid progress. He turned this way and that through open crevices.

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随着他在总统宝座上越来越驾轻就熟,同时随着石油价格的飚升,普京真正的处世哲学开始揭开其真面目。As he has grown into his presidency, and as the oil price has soared, Mr Putin’s true philosophy has become clearer.

明显能看到他有多么放松。他确切地知道自己是谁,对做自己感到驾轻就熟。How at ease he was with himself was quite evident. He knows exactly who he is and is very comfortable in his own skin.

我起身过来她这边,见她把光标移动到已经驾轻就熟的雷德伍德市网站里的一幅效果图上,然后点击了这幅图片。I came over from my desk as Sally moved her cursor onto a thumbnail image on the now familiar Redwood City site and clicked.

现在福克斯探照灯公司和华纳兄弟公司相信他对各种主题中的险恶元素都能驾轻就熟——“谁想成为百万富翁?”Now Fox Searchlight and Warner Bros. are trusting him to handle the most sinister of all topics, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

与小布什形成对照的是,戈尔任副总统八年,对外交事务可谓驾轻就熟。In contrast to George W. Bush, one may well say that Al Gore, who has been vice president for eight years, can do his job with ease.

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伊朗已经驾轻就熟地对哈马斯和真主党给予军事援助,其目的是在以色列的北部和西部边界打造一个用火箭弹武装的力量。Iran has deftly used military aid to both Hamas and Hezbollah to create a rocket-armed force on Israel’s northern and western borders.

创业者们常常被引导解决各种问题,而消费者的问题很容易被发现,因此旅游企业家通常看起来对解决客户问题驾轻就熟。Solving problems is what entrepreneurs are guided to do and consumer-facing issues are easy to spot and often look ripe for addressing.

在简短的讲话里,拉式形容伊拉克战争是一场“莫明其妙的、不能驾轻就熟的战争”,是一场“复杂得人们难以理解的战争”。In brief remarks, Rumsfeld described the Iraq conflict as a "little understood, unfamiliar war" that is "complex for people to comprehend.