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这本书是用大号铅字印的。The book was in large print.

这本书用大号铅字印刷。The book is printed in large type.

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每行铅字都应在终端排齐。All the lines of type should be ranged.

他用铅字笔在书上作记号。He made a mark on the book with a marker.

书上的铅字总使小霍勒斯着迷。The printed word always fascinated horace.

那处修正已经出现在铅字纸上。The correction had already been set in type.

这本书要重排铅字。The rearrangement type is wanted to this book.

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我用手指可以触摸到文件上的铅字。I could feel the type on the paper with my fingers.

印刷技术中指专用铅字面的一种加粗形式。In printing, a heavier version of a particular typeface.

拖盘里每个小格子里的铅字排序也是有规律的。The types in the grids of the tray are also arranged regularly.

铸造的活字和整行的铅字条,有别于冷式字。HOT TYPE Foundry type and linecaster slugs as opposed to cold type.

用薄醋酸胶片在上墨的铅字版上压印而成的复制用稿样。An inked reproduction proof pulled from type on thin acetate sheeting.

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我看了一下urbandictionary以及一些更为可靠的官方铅字资料。I took a look at Urbandictionary as well as the more reliable official type sources.

有些书里,不同的章节将主题用粗体铅字排印出来,或排放在页边空白处。In some books various sections have topics set in bold-face type or set out in the margins.

加州碎件字盘英文铅字字盘的一种它盛载著大写和小写英文字母。California job case a kind of type case which accommodates both upper and lower case letters.

由字模铸成的金属印板,由表面凸出的印刷板模制而成,如铅字。Printing A metal printing plate cast from a matrix molded from a raised printing surface, such as type.

最后,让你的药剂师将药放在大的,容易打开的容器里,并贴上用大号铅字排印的标签。And, ask your pharmacist to put your medicine in large, easy-to open containers with large-print labels.

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这一新作的真正本质「不到那些打乱的卡片变成铅字」,是不会被惠允见教的。The true nature of the new book would not be vouchsafed "until those shuffled cards are typed into a manuscript".

在排字印刷技术中,将设计者的铅字规范翻译成照相排版设备的格式、令或代码。In typesetting , translating the designer's type specifications into format, or command, codes for phototypesetting equipment.

当不可能的源测,可在软片侧,但应在透度计附近放置铅字“F”B. When this is not possible, the proper size film side penetrameter, as stipulated be referencing Code, shall be used and lead letter "F".