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他可以去死了。不知廉耻的家伙。He can go die. This impudent guy.

没有廉耻的人,没有天良。He who has no shfeele has no conscience.

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告诉我,孩子。这触摸是否有违廉耻?Tell me, child. Was this touch immodest?

没有廉耻的人,没有本心。He who has no shherehase has no conscience.

一群极不知廉耻的网民。No sense of shame is a group of Internet users.

他只是不知廉耻地剽窃他人的创意。He just shamelessly ripped off other people’s ideas.

丈夫和情妇竟然不知廉耻把他们的'婚照'放上网!Husband and his mistress' wedding photos posted on Facebook!

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而布里亚托利则从来不知道廉耻为何物,他一直是个玩笑。Briatore has never had any dignity, he has always been a joke.

这是最腐败、最不知廉耻的修正主义!This is revisionism of the most corrupt and shameless variety.

如果我对你的来信理解正确的话,你已不顾廉耻地嫁了人。If i interpret your letter right, you are ignominiously married.

那位青年没有廉耻心,他总是偷东西。The young man has lost a sense of honour . He is always stealing.

他就是这种货色,会不顾廉耻去从孩子手中骗取几个零钱。He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle children out of a few pence.

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“他是一个不知廉耻的家伙,”正在擦拭眼镜的耶利米停了停,说道。"He is a low fellow, " Ieremia declared, pausing in the polishing of his spectacles.

“他就是一个说大话的骗子,总而言之,一个不知廉耻的人,”李先生这样评价许先生。“He’s a liar, a cheat, and altogether an unscrupulous man, ” Mr. Lee said of Mr. Chee.

只有真正从内心深处懂得了明荣辱,知廉耻和成事为人的道理,才能发展真正的道德良知。It is to know honor and disgrace and bear oneself that can promote the moral conscience.

你受你那令人啼笑皆非的、毫无廉耻的、最后冲着你来的愤怒的驱使,迈着舞步走过草坪。You dance across the lawn, powered by the last fumes of your outrageous sinvergüenzería.

“毫不顾及廉耻也不怕遭报应”他说对了。对非法移民没有处罚。"There's no shame and no punishment. " He's got that right. There's no punishing illegals.

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满口道德廉耻的男人往往是伪君子,而女人简直始终如此。A man who moralizes is usually a hypocrite , and a woman who moralizes is invariably plain.

奥巴马今年对他所谓的华尔街“不知廉耻的奖金”的口头攻击使得战争继续升级。It escalated with verbal attacks this year on what he called Wall Street's "obscene bonuses."

因此顾客的愿望就压倒了关于几乎其他一切问题的考量——包括安全和基本的廉耻。And so the customers’ desires can trumpalmost anything else—including safety and basic decency.