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我手指被夹在门缝中。I caught my fingers in the door.

优美的音乐从门缝中流泻出来。Melodious music escapes out the door.

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求英文。我的手昨天被门缝夹了一下。I caught my hand in the door yesterday.

在门缝里,偷望着她拉着心爱的小提琴。He peeks she is playing the beloved violin.

门缝还是没有亮光泄出来。Still no light could be seen from under the door.

一道光线从门缝中透进来。A thread of light came through the crack in the door.

这个四岁男孩的手指夹在门缝里了。The four-year-old boy trapped his fingers in the door.

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她不小心让裙子夹在门缝里给撕破了。She accidentally shut her skirt in the door and tore it.

亚当从门缝里往外望去,一看来者正是上帝,便赶紧恭恭敬敬地开门,把上帝请了进来。Adam looked through a crack, and saw that it was the Lord.

我的手指夹在门缝里,压得又青又紫。My finger was nipped in the door, now it's black and purple.

女王蜂已钻进关闭的餐厅大门门缝里消失无踪。The queen had disappeared into a crack of the closed portal.

我的手指夹在门缝里,压的又青又紫。My fingers is lined in the door chink that is bule and purple.

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我的手指夹在门缝里,压得又青又紫。I caught my fingers in the door and they became black and blue.

我的手指夹在门缝里,压得又青又紫。My fingers were stuck in the door and pressed green and purple.

我的手指夹在门缝里,压得又青又紫。My fingers were squeezed between the doors and they are bruised.

用湿毛巾和被单塞住门缝及气孔。With wet towels and sheets under the door and the holes plugged.

我的手指夹在门缝里,压得又青又紫。My fingures were pinched between seam of the door,blue and black.

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它站在那儿把鼻子贴在门缝上。He'd stand there with his nose pressed against a crack in the door.

我的手指夹在门缝里,压得又青又紫。My fingers were in the middle of the door, squeezed black and blue.

我们收到一封恐吓信,他们把信从门缝下塞进来。We received a letter threatening us. They slipped it under the door.