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按他们的能力这种目标是不可企及的。It's far beyond their reach to obtain such aim.

一觉醒来,你是我不可企及的遥远。Wake up, you are my distant far beyond one's reach.

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按我们的能力这种目标是不可企及的。It's far beyond reach of our ability to obtain such aim.

我不相信亿万富翁与我有不可企及的距离。I do not believe that billionaire and I have unattainable distance.

人们通过不断犯错误接近不可企及的真理。Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors.

美是我们所知道的最完备的东西,它包括了自然的不可企及的神秘目标。Beauty is the most perfect things as we know, it includes the goal unattainable mystery of nature.

我想这就是了,这一辆常人不可企及的豪车便足以使她傲视一切。I think this indulges that ordinary people dealing in a high enough to enable her show disdain for all vehicles.

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月球曾被认为是不可企及的,现在已经被人类征服,它是太空探险新时代的首个中途停靠港。The moon, which used to seem unreachable, was now within man's reach, the first port of call in the new age of space-faring.

一方认为中国是个纯粹的环境破坏者——温室气体的最大排放者,不可企及的污染源。One side argues that China is a pure environmental villain -- the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases and an unmatched polluter.

将反身性的讨论引回到经济理论,我们发现,正是参与者的偏向导致了均衡点的不可企及。Returning to economic theory, it can be argued that it is the participants' bias that renders the equilibrium position unattainable.

父爱是深邃的、伟大的、纯洁而不可回报的,然而父爱又是苦涩的,难懂的、忧郁而不可企及的。Fatherly love is deep, great, pure and not return, but fatherly love is bitter, difficult to understand, depression and unattainable.

恢复视力曾经被认为是不可企及的目标,但是由于技术、遗传学、脑科学和生物学的进步,这一目标也有了实现的可能。Advances in technology, genetics, brain science and biology are making a goal that long seemed out of reach — restoring sight — more feasible.

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吉格斯自从年少时就加入曼联的青年队,曾经只是在曼联的一次试训而已,谁也不曾想到这会成为一段美妙不可企及的伟大传奇的开始。Having had a spell under Manchester City at youth level Giggs was offered a trial at Manchester United and that's where the love affair began.

在动画技术领域,他极富开拓性,对日本动画技术革新有着其他导演不可企及的贡献。In the realm animation techniques, he is supremely creative and groundbreaking and makes outstanding contributions to Japanimation techniques.

吉格斯自从年少时就加入曼联的青年队,曾经只是在曼联的一次试训而已,谁也不曾想到这会成为一段美妙不可企及的伟大传奇的开始。Having had a spell under Manchester City at youth level, Giggs was offered a trial at Manchester United, and that's where the love affair began.

在上海扎根近20年,扬子江万丽大酒店有着后起之秀们不可企及的坚固根基与气魄。After 20 years' development in Shanghai, the unparalleled solid foundation and pride has become a part of Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel's spirit.

在巴哈伊教的典籍中,神是独一的、人格化的,不可企及的,是无所不知、无所不在、永恒不灭的、万能的,是整个宇宙的创造者。The Bahá'í writings describe a single, personal, inaccessible, omniscient, omnipresent, imperishable, and almighty God who is the creator of all things in the universe.

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清史研究资料之丰富为其他断代史所不可企及,需要充分地、高水准地利用。The historical materials about Qing Dynasty are so abundant that the dynastic history of other dynasties can't be matched, and we should use them sufficiently and efficiently.

有唐一代,诗人如云,智慧之光,遍照大地,形成世界美学史上不可企及的高峰。There were many poets during the Tang Dynasty, and the light of wisdom was shinning all over the country, which formed a peak which could not be reached during the world history of aesthetics.

中国和他大多数东南亚邻国都处于西方经济不可企及的增长过程中,西方经济担心区域间的争执会威胁到这一地区的经济增长。China and most of its southeast Asian neighbors are experiencing growth rates that most Western economies could only dream of and are wary of letting territorial disputes threaten economic growth.