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我看到活力。I see energy.

你是那么活力充沛!You feel Alive!

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重新疏导性活力。Re-channel sex energy.

呼吸使身体有活力。Breath informs the body.

你是一只活力吸血鬼吗?Are You an Energy Vampire?

他们可是充满着活力哟。They will be full of energy.

她的心智已失去活力。Her mind has lost its spring.

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她的身上散发着青春的活力。She smells of vigour of youth.

他很有活力地又唱又跳。He danced and sang with energy.

用风水来增加你的活力。Boost your energy with feng shui.

及时行乐是个使人充满活力的想法。Carpe diem is an empowering idea.

她浑身上下每一个细胞都充满着活力。Every cell of her body was alive.

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她拥有富于青春活力的声音。She got a youthful vibrant voice.

他的思维由于疲乏而丧失了活力。His thoughts drooped with fatigue.

你给了我新的生命和活力。You give me fresh life and vigour.

我真的需要好好散发我的活力!I really need to release my energy!

猴子是富有活力的动物。The monkey is a resiliently animal.

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眉山是一块充满生机与活力的地方。Meishan is a place full of vitality.

非素给你无限能量、无限活力。Non veg gives u extra power, vigour.

计划一个活力的假期。Schedule an activity-based vacation.