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丁香般的惆怅。Melancholy like lilacs.

丁香一样的忧愁。And the glooms of lilac.

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丁香为哈尔滨市市花。Harbin City, clove flower.

小孩们在一棵丁香树附近玩耍。Children played near a lilac tree.

他把头一偏,离开了那枝丁香。He jerked his head away from the lilac.

丁香酒,我仍未准备好迎接爱情。Lilac Wine, I feel unready for my love.

丁香属植物二新栽培变种。Two new cultivated varieties of syringa linn.

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从我们的阳台上就能看见丁香谷。You can see the lilac valley from our balcony.

沿这条路走下去你会看见丁香周围。Along this path you will see lilacs all around.

丁香在回家的路上碰到宝珠,宝珠说珍珠事了。Clove encounter on the way home, orb said pearl.

丁香园的愿景是,让健康更多,让疾病更少。DXY is short for lilac garden in Chinese Pinyin.

青石板路上走过的依旧是面露微羞的丁香姑娘。Stone road is still face a shame the lilac girl.

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忧郁的泪花在丁香的脸上滑落,融入了雨中。Blue tears in the lilac face, thawing in the rain.

杜姨娘怒打芷安,并怒斥丁香负责任。Du aunt anger hit Zhi ANN, and responsible to our.

哈布热了肉桂丁香酒。Hobb's 'mulled some wine with cinnamon and cloves.

女人的服饰,带露的丁香,山谷中的歌声。Women's dresses, dewy lilacs, a song in the valley.

我看到了依然柔和、谦逊而愉快的丁香结的色彩。I mark its still tender, civil, cheerful lilac colors.

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烤火鸡、丁香火腿、阿拉斯加雪蟹腿等。Roasted Turkey, Honey Glazed Ham, Alaska Crab Leg and.

有许多不同的用途是在丁香。There are many different uses when it comes to cloves.

这里的主要种植的是椰子和丁香。The main cro grown in Zanzibar are coconuts and cloves.