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什么是因为,大副?What be that, first mate?

史蒂文斯是大副Stevens was the first mate

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大副已经核点了货物。The mate has tallied the cargo.

大副,把钢丝绳解开。Chief officer, the wire rope loose.

他们把大副的船吊到船上。They hoisted the mate's boat aboard.

大副是低于船长的一个头衔。The mate is one rank below the captain.

前任大副在船得过斑疹伤寒症。The former chief has got typhus fever on board.

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大副,钢板下面垫几根垫木。Chief officer, steel below a few root mat mat wood.

大副,我在3号舱发现一些破包。Chief officer, I found some torn bags in Hatch No. 3.

大副房间的救生衣哨子丢失。The lifejacket whistle in Chief Mate's cabin missing.

我们的大副不在,你有没有口信要留给他。Our chief officer i 't in. Have you got any me ege for him?

大副,你们每个舱的舱底的长度和宽度告诉我。Chief officer, you each tank the bilge length and width is much.

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船长和大副是什么时候收到报警信号的?When did ship's master and chief officer receive the fire alarm?

进行水密试验,达到大副满意。Watertight test to be carried out to chief officer's satisfaction.

她画了沙漠鲜花和高石山区的大副油画。She painted big pictures of desert flowers and the high rocky hills.

大副,热卷下面几根垫木几个三角木。Chief officer, hot coil below a few root mat wood several triangle wood.

船长,大副和二副从此以后再也不一起工作了。Neither the captain, the first mate, nor the second mate ever worked again.

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莫雷尔向邓格拉斯解释说,埃德蒙是法拉恩号的大副。Morrel explained to Danglars that Edmond had been First Mate of the Pharaon.

大副,这只集装箱超长一米,超宽一点三米。Chief Officer, this container is over length 1 meter and over-wide 1.3 meter.

大副,我代表我的经理,并以我个人的名义祝你航程愉快!Chief, on behalf of my manager and in my own name, I wish you a pleasant voyage!