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二是明确任务和目标,因地制宜地开展工作。Is a clear mandate and objectives, according to its work.

因此,他说,预防自杀的工作应该因地制宜的开展。As a result, he says, prevention efforts must fit with local needs.

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税基、税率、纳税人等在各省区之间各不相同、因地制宜。Whose tax base, tax rate and taxpayer vary between different provinces.

然而,各国因地制宜,主要采取的方法有三种。There are, however, wide variations in the specifics, with three main approaches taken.

双方具体协商对财务、教学、人事实行因地制宜的共同管理。The two partners will discuss on how to co-manage financial, teaching and personnel affairs.

不过,具体的长度因地制宜,取决于他们之前所使用的度量衡。But they adapted its length to fit whatever units they had been using before the Romans showed up.

该区建设农业商品基地的潜力巨大,可以因地制宜建设多种类型的农业商品基地。It has great potential to construct many kinds of agricultural commodity bases in different areas.

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奥科申朵夫说,如果建筑物能因地制宜,那么它们便会节省许多能源。Ochsendorf said that when buildings are tailored to their environment, they conserve a lot of energy.

对此,国家卫生部要求各地因地制宜地建立平价医院或平价药房,以解决民众就医难的问题。Ministry of Health required to building fair price drugstore and fair price hospital to solve this problem.

本文阐述了客运架空索道防雷综合措施及因地制宜的方法。This article sets forth the comprehensive safety measures and methods of the ropeways lightning protection.

因地制宜地建设各种类型的复合农林业系统是山地可持续利用的有效措施。There are many types of agroforestry system established by local farmers in the mountain regions in Guangxi.

当地有1500位农民在项目顾问的帮助下参与了项目,他们对这种因地制宜树种苗木的需求量很大。Demand for the custom designed seedlings among the 1,500 farmers who are working with program advisers is intense.

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根据城市内涝的情况,应因地制宜地采取防治措施。In accordance with urban waterlogging situation, controlment measures should be taken according to local conditions.

因地制宜制作的书柜,恰到好处的填补了整面白墙带来的单调感。The bookcase that adjust measures to local conditions makes, proper fill the drab sense that whole Bai Qiang brings.

农业科学中单点突破必须让位于多点开花的思路,这通常需要因地制宜。Finding silver bullets in farm science must now give way to scattershot approaches, often tailored to local conditions.

这一经验,可因地制宜地在江、河、湖、海滨的护岸工程中推广应用。This experience can be applied in revetment projects for rivers, lakes and coastal regions according to local conditions.

一些通用语已经控制了扩张的贸易路线,但是这些方便的语言也能因地制宜。Some lingua-francas have ridden trade routes, but these are tongues of convenience that change quickly with circumstances.

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另外,我们应该因地制宜、因陋就简、接近自然、接近儿童的实际生活。Moreover, we should act as circumstances permit, adapt to the simple life, the close nature, the close child's practical life.

我们做任何事都要因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜。In everything we do , we must suit our measures to different conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and people concerned.

绍兴市低产林地的主要土壤类型有6个土类、7个亚类、11个土属和13个土种,其成因都与母岩种类有关,因地制宜选择适生树种是主要对。Main soil type of low yield forest stands in Shaoxing could be divided into 13 species and 11 families of 7 subtypes and 6 types.