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他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。He pedaled off to summon a mason.

他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。He pedalled off to summon a mason.

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那男孩子被送给一个泥瓦匠当学徒。The boy was apprenticed to a bricklayer.

别着急。我马上打电话叫一个泥瓦匠来。Don't worry. I'll call a mason right away.

她的丈夫是一个泥瓦匠,他们有两个女儿。She is married to a mason and has two daughters.

工头又雇佣了十多个人作泥瓦匠。The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers.

几个开过推土机和当过泥瓦匠的士兵自告奋勇。A couple of ex-bulldozer operators and an ex-mason volunteered.

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其中有一些人希望更多的人才进来,如泥瓦匠。Some of them want more skilled people to come in, like the masons.

作为一个泥瓦匠的儿子,宾在试图追寻四种不同的职业生涯时遇到过难以计数的挫折。The son of a bricklayer, Bing has overcome multiple setbacks to surge ahead in four different careers.

唯一源于人类的声响来自于泥瓦匠的凿子,不断的叮当声回荡在冷冽的空气中。The only human sounds are the constant tink, tink, tink of the masons' chisels ringing in the chill air.

1500年以来,中国泥瓦匠们把糯米混进沙浆里建造房屋来增加建筑的承受力。For at least 1, 500 years, Chinese masons have mixed sticky rice soup into their mortar for extra strength.

我不能去赴约,因为我的屋顶漏水。我得打电话叫泥瓦匠来修。I couldn't keep the appointment because the roof of my house was leaking. I had to call a mason to repair it.

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济指的原则,机构和做法的兄弟为了自由和接受泥瓦匠。Freemasonry refers to the principles, institutions, and practices of the fraternal order of the Free and Accepted Masons.

“如果香克利是安菲尔德的工头,佩斯利就是准备用他的双手建立一个帝国的泥瓦匠。”汤米-史密斯。"If Shankly was the Anfield foreman, Paisley was the brickie, ready to build an empire with his own hands. " Tommy Smith.

他沿着通往外界的公路到了山那边的小镇库鲁,并找到一份泥瓦匠的工作。He got a job as a mason in Kulu, a town on the other side of the mountain pass connecting the valley to the rest of India.

卡梅隆还曾和生于埃塞克斯起先为泥瓦匠后转型为模特的保罗·斯库弗尔,还有纽约的洋基球员阿历克斯罗德里格斯有过恋情。Cameron has also been linked with Essex-born brickie-turned-model Paul Sculfor, and New York Yankees player, Alex Rodriguez.

也有一些教士在那儿,还有牧师、工会领导人、泥瓦匠以及其他有国际联系的人。And there were some priests there, and ministers, and labor leaders, and Masons, and others who had international affiliations.

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当地人雇用受过培训的泥瓦匠到他们家中建卫生间,目前已建了80多个卫生间。People contracted the trained masons to build latrines in their homes, and more than 80 latrines have already been constructed.

耶和华也是要工作的,星期一到星期六,他像一个虔诚的泥瓦匠一样创造了世间万物以及人类。Jehovah also needs to work. He has to work from Monday to Saturday, creating all creatures and human being like a pious plasterer.

关怀非洲组织帮助培训当地泥瓦匠,让他们学会如何修建低成本的家用厕所,还帮助社区水管理协会的成员掌握维修水井的技术。Africare trained local masons to build low-cost household latrines and trained community water association members to maintain the wells.