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夏装正在销售。The summer wear is on sale.

温度回升,准备夏装!Temperature rise, ready to summer!

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上班族们开始夏装大采购了吗?Shopping for summer clothes to wear to work?

妇女夏装的款式已完全改变。The summer wear of women has been entirely restyled.

这些可能将是很流行的夏装用料。These will probably be most popular for summer wear.

我们得在八月前卖完这些夏装。We need to turn over these summer fashions by August.

夏装的款式常常是秋装的预兆。Summer styles are often a foretaste of autumn fashion.

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体形较丰满的人穿夏装总是不那么好看。Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures.

小姑娘穿一身淡蓝色的夏装。The little girl was decked out in a light-blue summer dress.

这些女士参加游园会以炫耀她们的夏装。The woman went to the garden party to display their summer toilet.

其实不太确定这夏装的颜色,不过它就在这里了。Not sure about the color of this sundre , actually, but here it is.

英语秋装上市,夏装大甩卖,买一送一。Autumn suits new listing, summer on big sale, buy one get free offer.

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她穿著两件套的夏装,我注意到其颜色正是时髦的俗艳。She wore a two-piece summer suit of gaudy color that I had noticed was in vogue.

她穿着两件套的夏装,我注意到其颜色正是时髦的俗艳。She wore a two-piece summer suit of gaudy color that I had noticed was in vogue.

要耍一点小花招,把平常的夏装穿出不一样的假日味道来。One that means you wear your usual summer clothes but in a crafty holiday-ish way.

它可能是一件性感内衣,一件撩人的夏装,或是你钟爱的紧身牛仔裤。It could be some sexy lingerie, a sultry summer dress or your favorite skinny jeans.

上班族们开始夏装大采购了吗?吊带衫和夹指凉拖还是不要考虑了。Shopping for summer clothes to wear to work? Forget the tank tops and lose the flip-flops.

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过去几个星期以来,我在夏装和暖和的毛衣之间跳来跳去。In the past few weeks, I've jumped back and forth between summer clothes and warm sweaters.

秋姑娘来到人们当中,人们都脱下轻盈的夏装,换上了时尚的秋装。Autumn girl came to the people, people are off light summer clothes, put on a fashion of autumn.

这就相当于承认你为party而添置的某件夏装完全可以当作你在观光游览的着装。This means admitting that the summer dress you bought for a party can easily be your sightseeing dress.