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为什么我写不出一首献给安吉尔的情诗?Why can’t I write Angel a love poem?

而五个人中仅有一个曾经写过情诗。A paltry one in five had written a love poem.

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九年了,没有一首情诗写成功过。Nine years and not a single love poem written.

他喜欢给自己所爱的女孩写情诗。He likes to write amatory poem to the lady he loves.

没有时间考虑鲜花、情歌和情诗。There was no time for flowers, song, and love poems.

可能是黄钱其濂贝瑞特褐变最受欢迎的爱情诗。Is probably Elizabeth Barrett Browning's most popular love poem.

她少女时的那首玫瑰情诗,曾在她婚礼中被咏唱,如今已经远去。The rose poem of her youth that her marriage sang is far behind.

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一天,他把写给玛利亚的一首爱情诗拿给朋友看。One day he showed his friend a love poem he had written to Maria.

这里有关于爱情诗及情书的好书可为你参考。Here nice book about Love Poems &Love Letters for your references.

我曾想过给她写一个情诗,在诗中向她求婚。I thought about writing her a love poem and proposing in the poem.

这里有关于爱情诗及情书的好书可为你参考。Here nice book about Love Poems & Love Letters for your references.

星铉在自己的日记本里绘美玲的肖像,写情诗。Star-hyun in his diary painted a portrait of Helen, to write poems.

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小倩化身簿仙子相见,一手将情诗撕毁拒绝他的情意。Small qian incarnation book fairy meet, hand to tear to refuse his love poem.

卡塔路斯写了充满热情的爱情诗来记录他对情妇的感情。Catullus wrote passionate love lyrics recording his feelings for his mistress.

通过每周发布恋爱笔记,写情诗,晒照片,让你的主页成为浪漫焦点。Keep it focused on romance with weekly love notes, romantic poems, and photos.

许多情人卡都会写上情诗,并印有丘比特的漫画图案。Many valentine cards are written with love verses and comic pictures of cupids.

舒婷的爱情诗是中国爱情诗史上不可或缺的力作。Shuting's love poetry is significant works in the history of Chinese love poetry.

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而陈情诗缠绵惆怅,呈现一种朦胧神秘之美。Zhengfeng 's loving-poems show natural beauty , and Chenfeng's , mysterious beauty.

她的一组爱情诗明确地反映了她自己不幸的经历。One group of her love poems are clearly the reflection of her own unhappy experience.

我写的最后一首发自内心的情诗是献给一另一位女孩的,我在遇到布丽安娜前一个月遇到她。The last genuine love poem I wrote went to a girl I met a month before I met Brianna.