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母亲叫道,“这还了得!The mother exclaimed, "But that's terrible!

我听见了得得的马蹄声。I heard the clip clip of the horses' hooves.

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他选择了得国,而我滚人倒更喜欢西班伊。I prefer to see animals living in their state.

她夸自己厨艺了得,是情有可原的。She was pardonably proud of his wonderful cooking.

尽管略带乡土,但俄语很是了得。In spite of a slight accent, his Russian is almost ideal.

仅仅一个普通吸尘器,就拥有如此了得的加速度。It's a phenomenal acceleration, the simple vacuum cleaner.

大厅中洋溢着兴奋与狂喜,怎一个"完美"了得。There was a kind of euphoria in the hall, something beyond perfection.

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女人是大户人家的女儿,琴棋书画样样了得。Woman is the daughter of rich family, literature, everything terrible.

该饭店对所有卧室都进行了得新装修,从而使其达到四星级标准。The hotel has refitted all the bedrooms and has be upgraded to 4- star.

“酒不醉人人自醉”、“抒心的酒千杯不醉”,怎一个“醉”字了得?It's not the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who himself gets drunk.

无趣的公司职员摇身一变成了口技了得的情场浪子。The boring office guy transforms into a passionate lover of giving oral sex.

“这次第,怎一个愁字了得”是李清照思念亲人的烦恼。"The first, how an unhappy Zile De" is Li Qingzhao miss their loved ones worry.

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“我哪有时间,”那长矛兵回答说,“如果要留意所有对我留意的姑娘,那还了得?”"Have I the time," replied the lancer, "to look at all the girls who look at me?"

没事儿,咱请功夫了得的武松助我一臂之力。It's a piece of cake. Why not invite the Kongfu master Wu Song to give us a hand ?

孙耀威原来篮球技术了得,射篮更是强项。Eric was superb in playing basketball and shooting basketballs is one of his strong points.

到处都是漂亮的姑娘,那天下午我顺便去了得梅因。There were the most beautiful bevies of girls everywhere I looked in Des Moines that afternoon.

猴王从耳中取出金箍棒,对猴儿们说了得宝经过,再连叫几声“大!The Monkey King took the golden ringed staff from his ear and told them how he had gotten the treasure.

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超等可爱的插图,与超过175个动物,如今她相识了得多的动物并能说出它们的名字。The illustrations are super cute and with over 175 animals it's just fantastic as her vocabulary grows.

戴丽亚的耐心真是了得,因为为了“说出”一句话往往要花上好几分钟的时间。Dahlia's patience was immeasurable, because it would take several minutes just to communicate one sentence.

我想一只从她薄荷味的胸口飞起的一只凤凰,大步地走进世界,穿着名牌,功夫了得。I rose like a phoenix from her mentholated bosom, and strode into the world, Armani clad and fully awesome.