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“唔,嗯,”露丝口吃了。“Well, eh,” Ruth stuttered.

“唔,嗯,”露丝口吃了。"Well, eh, " Ruth stuttered.

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他一遇见她就口吃。He always stammered when he met her.

我不能够让口吃毁了我的生活!I'll not let stutter destory my life!

他一紧张往往口吃。He stammered most when he was nervous.

他口吃但不像你说的那么厉害。He stammers but not so badly as you say.

很多小孩口吃,但长大就改过来了。Many children stammer but grow out of it.

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口吃者和非口吃者的大脑看起来也不一样。The two sorts of brain look different, too.

她总是拿汤姆的口吃开玩笑。She is always ragging Tom about his stammer.

那小女孩说话有点口吃。The little girl speaks with a little stutter.

好一个日我有他口吃著说跟他的妻子。What a day I've had he stuttered to his wife.

它不会造成对流力的干扰。语言障碍,口吃。It does not require an impediment to the flow.

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那些口吃者经常接受语言治疗。Those who stutter often receive speech therapy.

你切不可因孩子口吃而嘲弄他。You must not tease a child because it stutters.

你切不可因为一个孩子口吃而去取笑他。You must never tease a child because he stutters.

安柏瑞出身贫穷,有严重的口吃问题。Embry grew up poor and had a severe stuttering problem.

说话口吃的名人包括偶像派明星加雷思·盖茨。Celebrity stammerers include pop idol star Gareth Gates.

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由于有口吃的毛病,她说话很费力。She labours under speech handicaps because she stammers.

在很多案例中,口吃过段时间就自然好了。In many cases, stuttering disappears after a short while.

他班上的那些女生过去常常拿他的口吃开玩笑。The girls in his class used to make sport of his stammering.