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有些射手射技很差。Some-men shoot badly.

有些射手射技很差。Some marksmen shoot badly.

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他是个世界级的射手。He is a world-class finisher.

塔利班现在被称为射手。The Taliban now call the shots.

那射手对她动武了。The shooter bent weapons on her.

曾经有一个天才射手。There was once a gifted marksman.

这些甲虫还是伟大的射手。These beetles are great marksmen, too.

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曹政真是一个射手。Merlin was actually quite the marksman.

米勒是一个久经考验的传球手和射手。Miller is a proven play maker and shooter.

射手的那一箭正中靶心。The archer's shot was a perfect bull's-eye.

但是这位射手不能这么长期的坐在板凳上。But goalscorers can't be kept down for long.

我感受到作为一个射手我必须要射门得分,这是我的工作。I feel a striker has to score. It is my job.

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所有时代里最高产的射手之一。One of the most prolific goalscorers of all time.

射手总会记得所有进过的球。As a goalscorer you always remember all your goals.

范尼会不会成为本届欧洲杯的最佳射手?Can Van Nistelrooy finish as the Euro's top scorer?

米兰和沙尔克04已经和这位射手联系在了一起。Milan and Schalke have been linked with the hit-man.

有些射手用,有些射秃弓。Some archers use a sight and others shoot "barebow".

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七月份预示着福祉的增长,射手。July bodes increased well being for you Sagittarians.

大多数射手都是酒鬼或者瘾君子。The majority of Sagittarians are drunks or pot-heads.

这位31岁的罗马尼亚射手将面临最高8年的禁赛。The 31-year-old Romanian faces a ban of up to 8 years.