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他工作效率之高让我惊诧。I was amazed at his efficiency.

他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。He looked at me in blank amazement.

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你会对你的答案惊诧不已。You may be surprised with your answer.

诺尔斯的故事令人惊诧,也让我陷入思考。But Knowles' amazing tale made me think.

大尉于协理员本能的惊诧说。The captain to Deputy instinct was said.

她惊诧何以会有过这种情景!She marvelled how such scenes could have been!

当Edk看到他的校服的时候,他非常惊诧。As Ed looked at his unform,he was very surprised.

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她以其秀媚的书法而使我惊诧。She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting.

“最令人惊诧的是铬,”佩恩说。"The biggest surprise was chromium, " Mr Payne said.

我们惊诧不已,从未见过能傲雪绽放的花朵。We were amazed. We had never seen flowers in the snow.

这情景使我和每一位旁观者都很惊诧。The scene was astonishing to me, to every one standing by.

说到会员的职业,其范围之广更是令人惊诧不已。As far as occupations are concerned, the range is staggering.

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正是这些评语使我惊诧不已。The comments are overwhelmingly disapprovals to my conclusion.

在温莎,凯特和威廉面具既让人莫名惊诧又让人佩服不已。These Kate and William masks in Windsor look scarily convincing.

小提琴家的精湛技艺使全世界的观众惊诧不已。The violinist's virtuosity has amazed audiences all over the world.

这项发现令该公司感到惊诧,他们对此毫无察觉。That finding surprised the company, which said it was unaware of them.

这部电视剧的编剧是一位思想极为开明的自由派人士,所以为何你们会感到莫名惊诧呢?The show is writtenby a very openly liberal guy, so why are you surprised?

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我的思想,宛若火花,舞着惊诧的翅膀,伴着一声欢笑,破空而去。My thoughts, like sparks, ride on winged surprises, carrying a single laughter.

一简单积极之举改变人一生的威力竟有如此之大,着实叫人惊诧不已。It's amazing how one simple, easy, positive action can change so much in a person's life.

今日中国为这种叙述者们提供了丰富得令人惊诧的题材。Nowadays China has provided such portrayers with astonishing richness of subject matters.