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其二,它的社会分工和分层的产物。It is products of social divisions and stratum.

那是社会分工中女性的角色。That would be the feminine contribution to the betterment of society.

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我们知道,文化的差异在于习俗,食物,宗教,还有社会分工。We know that cultures differ in customs, food, religions, social arrangements.

劳动分工可分为社会分工和组织内部分工。Labor division can be divided into society division and division inside organization.

很多美国人不承认这歧视妇女,说这只是社会分工的不同。Most Americans do not admit this is prejudice and say this only is social labor division.

一方面跟两性的社会分工有关、一方面跟两性的身体结构有关。Partly to do with the gendered division of labour, partly to do with the construction of the gendered body.

因此在这个社会分工体系内,这种体系会激励每个人去竭尽所能。It thus stimulates everybody, within the system of the social division of labor, to exert himself to the utmost.

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随着社会分工越来越细微,催产素承担起更多职责,堪称哺乳动物的劳模。The more elaborate grew the social demands, the more roles oxytocin assumed, reaching its apotheosis in mammals.

很多人不承认这是歧视妇女,说这只是社会分工的不同。However, many people would rather take it as the consequence of diversity in social division of labor than sex-discrimination.

在工业社会,适应社会分工以及市场经济的需要,人类建构起了一个协作体系。In industrial society, a collaboration system was founded to meet requirements of social division of labor and marketing economy.

企业家职业化是社会生产力发展到一定阶段,社会分工趋于具体化的必然产物。The professional entrepreneur is the inexorable result of the development of social productivity and promotion of social division.

共同劳动的规模越大。社会分工越细致。管理就越重要。The larger scale a mass production. the more detailed a social labor division . the more important the management will appear to be.

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物流配送中心作为物流领域中社会分工和专业分工的产物,在物流活动中有着举足轻重的作用。Distribution center, as the product of the society and specialty in logistics domain, plays an important role in logistics functions.

而社会分工的发展,又必然刺激商品经济和商业资本的发展。The development of the social division of labor and goods is bound to stimulate the economy and the development of commercial capital.

报告也同时指出,除非城市能有更好的规划,否则日益严重的不平等,社会分工以及贫富差距,均有可能导致暴力的发生。It says worsening inequalities, driven by social divisions and differences in wealth, could lead to violence unless cities plan better.

而在一个以社会分工为特征的商品经济社会,消费资料的获得,须通过商品交换的参与。In our market-oriented society characterized by labor division, to gain consumption goods is associated with the exchange of the products.

对绝大多数开发商来说,在社会分工日趋专业化的今天,他们完全可以让专业的房地产中介代理公司代劳。For the vast majority of developers, in the social division of professionalizing Today, they can let the real estate professional intermediary agents do.

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换句话说,今天生活在美国的人都保持了他们固有的文化身份和价值观,同时有目的地参与社会分工。In other words, people in the United States today can maintain some original cultural identity and values and participate meaningfully in the larger society.

汉娜·罗辛称“在某些社会分工中,当制造业工作消失时,男人们在为能这个风云急速变幻的经济中保持头脑清醒而苦苦挣扎。Hanna Rosin claims that "n certain segments of society, men are struggling to stay relevant in this rapidly changing economy, as manufacturing jobs disappear.

人与人之间都是一样的,赤祼祼地来,光溜溜地走,唯社会分工不同,入世责任有异而矣。Between people are the same, come naked, bare to go, the only social division of labor in different, different responsibilities and carry on accession to the WTO.