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水滴石穿,绳锯木短!Constant dripping wears away a stone !

也许,这就是德叔水滴石穿的大勇精神吧!Maybe, it's a big uncle's brave spirit!

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“水滴石穿”是我坚持的信念。It's my belief that constant dripping wears away a stone.

我们应记住住—一条有价值的谚语“水滴石穿”。We should remember a worthy proverb "Constant dropping of water wears away a stone."

也许,这就是德叔水滴石穿的大勇精神吧!走的依然是一条正道,不投机,不取巧。Maybe, this is De's wisdom! The walk is still a straight road, no speculation, no tricks.

创业者要有水滴石穿的精神才能成就一番事业。Entrepreneurs must have a spirit of determination in order to achieve success in their career.

他每天坚持学习汉语,水滴石穿最后终于取得成功,汉语达到了很高的水平。He persevered in studying Chinese every day and finally has achieved success. His Chinese has reached a high level.

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把握光阴,日积月累,用水滴石穿的恒心与决心去面对挑战和挫折。Grasp the time with perseverance and determination, days and months multiplying, to face the challenges and setbacks Dripping water wears through a stone.

而最重要的是,我请你们加入到家园的重建中来,用二百二十一年以来我们唯一的方法,美国的方法——一砖一瓦,水滴石穿。And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it’s been done in America for 221 years — block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.

想想水滴石穿,持续不断的磨练会让你的分析能力不断提高,但是你明显优越于他人的能力是你能够别出心裁的把一切琐事联系起来。Thinking like a concentrated laser beam can certainly sharpen your analysis, but one of your greatest strengths is your natural ability to connect the dots in ways that others don't even consider.