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此列表并不十分详尽。This list is not exhaustive.

我力争做出详尽的说明。I am striving to explain explicitly.

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上面的列表并不够详尽。The above list is hardly exhaustive.

它还包括详尽的文档。It also includes extensive documentation.

每一章后面都附有极为详尽的参考资料。Each chapter is referenced in minute detail.

这整本书是有关于那个犯罪活动的详尽报导。The book was a detailed report of the crime.

他详尽地叙述了自己的苦处。He recited his own sufferings at full length.

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详尽的线路导游图文字说明。Exhaustive circuit tourist map explanatory note.

她详尽说明了问题的情况及原由。She explained all the hows and whys of the issue.

本文对这两个唱段也做了详尽的分析。Our article will thoroughly analyse the two arias.

CT也显示骨性骨盆的详尽影像。CT also offers detailed imaging of the bony pelvis.

对飞轮组匹配也做了较详尽的论述。Match of flywheel sets is also described in detail.

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我可以递给他一页纸,上面详尽记录着我所用药及剂量。I had a page I could hand him with drugs and dosages.

这位专家详尽阐述他的学说。The expert elaborates his theory from his own reason.

在第四章会更详尽地阐述这些观点。These ideas are dealt with more fully in Chapter Four.

我们将在会议上与他们详尽地讨论这一问题。We'll discuss it exhaustively with them at the meeting.

他对介系词用法作了一番详尽的研究。He has made a detailed study of the use of prepositions.

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首相在会议前已掌握了详尽资料.The Prime Minister was fully briefed before the meeting.

我上网为了搜集详尽的资料。I surf the Internet for collecting extensive information.

提供详尽、准确的个人资料。Offer exhaustive and veracious information of individual.