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走开,尖锐的白牙!GO AWAY, sharp white teeth!

这个男人的表达非常尖锐。The man's expression stiffened.

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尖锐的刹车声……我的妹妹没有转过头来。My sister never turned her head.

空袭警报尖锐的呼啸声划破长空。The air raid sirens were wailing.

但其观点往往非常尖锐。But his assessments are often harsh.

我的头上有两根尖锐的角。I have two pointed horns on my head.

当我有了一对尖锐的利爪。When I have a talon with a keen edge.

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注意边缘的窥器是尖锐的。Note the edge of the speculum is sharp.

这是一份措辞极其尖锐的报告。It's an unusually sharply-worded report.

第一口的滋味酸而尖锐。On first taste it is vinegary and sharp.

由国际标准化组织了200余花仍然尖锐。By ISO 200 I took the flower still sharp.

他的声音突然变得高而尖锐。His voice was suddenly high and screechy.

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一句尖锐的话足以使她泄气。One sharp remark is enough to deflate her.

这就是那尖锐而有独到之处的论点。This is the pungent and original argument.

谴责只会让事态变得更加尖锐。Denunciations will only grow more strident.

刀具、凿子和剪刀必须锋利尖锐。Knives, chisels and scissors must be sharp.

没有尖锐的北,没有圆钝的西。Without sharp North, without declining West.

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是那没有尖锐的北,还是没有圆钝的西?。Without sharp north, without declining west?

一声尖锐的哨声,眼中投射出的愤怒眼神,一场极端严重的全面交通堵塞的威胁就这样避免了。An angry stare. The threat of gridlock faded.

河狸用它那尖锐的牙齿咬树皮。The beaver uses its large sharp teeth gnaw it.