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无本金交割合同中的结算货币是美元。Non-deliverable contracts are settled in dollars.

每一个本金保证产品都是在与一家客户商讨之后设立的。Each CGP is created in consultation with a client.

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本公司不能保证付还投资本金。There is no guarantee of the repayment of principal.

还款之后所剩的任何钱都可以用来减少本金。Any remaining money from the payment is used to reduce principal.

如果我们把它变做公债,我们也许会丧失本金和一切。If we bring it into the funds, we shall maybe lose the principal and all.

一些分析师说,无本金交割远期外汇交易低估了人民币可能的走势。And some analysts say the NDFs underestimate the currency's probable move.

彩票不返还本金、不计付利息。Neither principal may be returned nor interest be paid for lottery tickets.

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就长期而言,本金占有收益,这个事实引发折现值的概念。Money earns income over time, a fact that gives rise to the present-value concept.

支付进口和偿还国际贷款的本金和利息。Payment for imports and repayment of principal and interest on international loans.

已还住房贷款本金在您需要时可随时再借解决您不时之需。Has also housing loan principal when you need to be ready to address your rainy day.

只生单利,那意味利息与本金是分开计算的。It may earn simple interest, whichmeans the interest is figured on your principal alone

但两房将继续支付其担保发行债券的利息和本金。But two will continue to pay its guarantee issue debentures the interest and the capital.

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即使是你花掉投资所得的收益,也绝不要花掉这笔本金。Even then you would only spend the returns on your investment. Never spend the principal.

在1980到1994年间,几乎有1300家的专门抵押出借人,或者称为存款储蓄机构无法收回本金。Between 1980 and 1994 almost 1,300 specialised mortgage lenders, known as thrifts, failed.

但是一个客户的本金保证产品是一个独特的投资工具,如果表现差的话却不能卖掉。But a client’s CGP is a unique investment tool, and cannot be dumped if it performs badly.

你是否曾为了提高生活品质,为了获取更多的金蛋而动用过自己的本金?Have you ever invaded principal to increase your standard of living, to get more golden eggs?

返还结束时,收到的各期返还必然大于投入的本金之和减去提前取出的部分。Receive no less than the sum of all premiums paid, less any previous withdrawals, at termination.

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原贷款本金每年的借债服务比率。亦称房屋贷款常数。Ratio of Annual Debt Service to original principal of the loan. Also known as a mortgage constant.

投资债券,只要债券发行者没有破产,你总能在到期的时候获得利息和本金。Rates fell this week, and high-quality issuers were able to raise finance in municipal-bond markets.

在投资者行为的角度,投资者片面追求高回报率而对本金安全相当轻视。In views of investors' behavior, speculators pursue high return rate and ignore the principal safety.