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什么是风湿性心脏病?What is rheumatic heart disease?

我左肩患有风湿症。I have rheumatism in my left shoulder.

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半数以上的病人有风湿性多肌痛。Half of patients have polymyalgia rheumatica.

我尝试过风湿症的各种治疗方法。I have tried lots of treatments for rheumatism.

我会努力的,因为我不想得中年风湿症。I work hard for what I want, I'm friendly and sweet.

能帮助摩羯座的人抵抗风湿症。Brassica vegetables can help the resistance rheumatism.

目的回纹型风湿症转归和预后。Objective Progression and prognosis of palindromic rheumatism.

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祛风湿、补肝肾、强筋骨。Dispels rheumatism, to make up hepatorenal, the strong physique.

在抗体呈阳性的人群中,有两人在13个月内患上风湿性关节炎。Of antibody-positive subjects, two developed RA within 13 months.

舒筋活络,消肿止痛,用于跌打扭伤,风湿骨痛。Relief of swelling and pain, for the bruises sprains, rheumatism.

为什么您的选择也是风湿科?Are you familiar with Rheumatism and Immunological Disease Forum ?

因气候潮湿,居民易患风湿症。The inhabitants are predisposed to rheumatism by the damp climate.

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民间多用来治疗各种风湿及类风湿性关节炎。In the folk, the drug is used to cure variety rheumatoid arthritis.

目的提高完善风湿安泰片的质量标准。Objective To improve the quality standard for Fengshi Antai tablets.

他患急性风湿性关节炎,在医院住了三个月。He spent three months in the hospital with acute rheumatic arthritis.

风湿性关节炎是影响关节令人痛苦的疾病。Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful condition that affects your joints.

但公公到处打听治疗风湿的方子。But the father inquired everywhere prescription treatment of rheumatism.

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风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎、风湿寒性关节痛。Rheumatic arthritis rheumatoid arthritis, and rheumatic cold arthralgia.

结论风湿灵具有抗炎和抗免疫作用。ConclusionFengshiling has effects of anti inflammation and anti immunity.

结论风湿性疾病继发肺动脉高压预后不良。Conclusion The prognosis of PHT secondary to rheumatic diseases is dismal.