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我想我是在说笑话。I'm joking. I think.

父母说笑话时要笑。Laugh at your parents’ jokes.

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他停下来和我们一起说笑话。He stopped to have a joke with us.

我只是个顽皮的男孩,一个说笑话的人。I’m just a naughty boy. I’m a joke-teller.

老师喜欢说笑话逗他的学生们。The teacher enjoys bantering with his pupils.

我年轻的时候总是开玩笑、说笑话。I always made jokes and jests when I was young.

张赫对用英文说笑话并不羞怯。Jang Hyuk is not shy to crack jokes in English.

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贾斯汀很不正经,老是说笑话。Justin is so silly. He is always telling jokes.

当时我是有意的笑了笑,希望他是在说笑话。At the time I laughed knowingly, hoping he was joking.

相反,这些天他还一直说笑话来着。On the contrary, Keesing's always making jokes these days.

说笑话的人因他的**被一阵烟梗住了。The joker was choked by a stroke of smoke for his undue provoking.

我得谢谢你照实话说,而不诽谤我,即使是在说笑话!I'd thank you to adhere to the truth and not slander me, even in joke!

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“拿经济法则说笑话很便当,但是文不对题,”波茨微笑著说。"Making jokes about economic laws is easy but irrelevant. " Bozey smiled.

“拿经济法则说笑话很便当,但是文不对题,”波茨微笑着说。"Making jokes about economic laws is easy, but irrelevant . " Bozey smiled.

最右边那个角落站着随时随地都会说笑话的邦提。To the extreme right corner, was Bunty, who would crack jokes anywhere and anytime.

这个家伙看起来很和善,会说笑话,而且他还要想办法谋生,对不对?He seems gentle, he tells good jokes and the guy's got to find away to survive, right?

二个说笑话者显示前面和后面,只有二张卡片,并且他们不在甲板附近去。The two Jokers are shown front and back, there are only two cards and they do not go near the deck.

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我能说上几个小时,给出数据和图表,答疑甚至说笑话活跃气氛。I would talk for hours, giving facts and figures, answering questions, and even entertaining the group.

在我们相处的时候,他没有说过一个笑话,而且在我们说笑话的时候还对我们有所误解。In our hours together, he didn't attempt a joke, and he misread several of our attempts at playfulness.

此外,林肯"很会讲故事、说笑话",这是在政界发展的一种重要才能。Moreover, Lincoln “was able to tell stories and jokes,” which was an important asset in the political arena.