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演示者陈诉一个提案。A presenter states the proposal.

正在陈诉你的航班信息。They're calling your flight now.

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现在陈诉报道的含金量非常高。Now that report is highly anticipated.

他的陈诉最后被证明是假的。As it turned out, his statement was false.

他甘愿在经心筹备后去做陈诉。He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.

这是化学成份检验陈诉。Here is the report of chemical composition inspection.

陈诉我这事的人不肯告知我他的名儿。The man who told me thellos refused to tell me hellos name.

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您看过我公司的短重索赔陈诉了吗?Haudio-videoe you seen the shortage clobjective from our company?

琐屑的颂文形成选平易近的陈诉的属性。trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's report.

他很是疲倦,所以没能作市场陈诉。He was very tired- as a consequence he didn't give the market report.

参议院的陈诉基于国家平等的原则。Representation in the Senate is based on the principle of state equality.

我向官方辅导员陈诉这件事情的发生真的是无地自容。I told the counsellors that it was such a disgrace for this thing to happen on me.

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他让艾米写了一份受害人影响的陈诉书,而且找了一位心理学家来鉴定艾米的心理状况。He had Amy write a victim-impact statement and hired a psychologist to evaluate her.

至少在上课前的前一天,请确认你的编审小构成员都有拥有一份你的陈诉副本。Distribute a copy to each member of your editing group at least one day before class.

据一份在上周所宣布的研究陈诉称,个子较高的人罹患癌症的风险也比力高。New research revealed last week that taller people are at an increased risk of cancer.

所以为了支持真相的说出,使用以上陈诉的方法去创造条件。So in order to encourage truth-telling, use the above methods to create the conditions.

如前所述,通过判案陈诉的途径可以就法律问题再向高等法院提起上诉。A further appeal by way of case stated on a point of law lies to the High Court as before.

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这份安康陈诉夸大了新颖水果和蔬菜在我们一样平常饮食中的紧张性。The health report stresses the fresh fruit and vegetables in our daily diet of importance.

陈诉说现活着界上有三亿三千五一百万人没有足够的水。It says more than three-hundred-thirty-five-million people haoduoren. comck enough water now.

他们的任务是突破巨大的寂静体系,然后陈诉他们是怎么做到的。Their mission to breach sophisticated security systems and then report back on how they did it.