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故而,每个樱桃果上都挂着晶莹的雨滴。Thus, on each cherry was glistening a rain drop.

我半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep.

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赤眼鳟因其眼上有红色,故而得名。Brown trout is named for the red tint on its eyes.

接下来是字节“B”,仍然原封未动,故而照原样解码。The next byte B, is literal also, so it is decoded as is.

大概是以江水都汇于此,故而得名。Meeting the river are probably based on this, hence the name.

我故而乐之,小小的心灵里觉得十分奇妙,十分有趣。I was happy for that, felt wonderful and interested in my soul.

因为人们吃东西时没有闭上嘴,故而发出噪声。People make noises because they eat without closing their mouths.

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一次在外地出差,因小事故而住进医院。Out of town on business, I was hospitalize after a minor accident.

故而他们心中之“乐”主要是与所当然之“理”合而为一境界中所体会到的无忧与心安。So the "contentment" in their hearts is mainly free of care and ease of mind.

故而表明本文捉出的基于EBE策略的并行计算方法是有效的。So it is also proved that the parallel compute method based on EBE is effective.

诗人是买不起花来表达,故而用花一般的语言表达的人。Poets, who can not afford flowers, express themselves by flower-like words instead.

故而,很早龙纹就成为我们中华民族精神的象征。Therefore, early used as a dragon design on the symbol of the spirit of our nation.

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人非茶,可思,可谋,可自行左右,故而人品定人生。Man not tea, can think, consider and control, so man can be able to taste its own life.

故而要使用短句、标明要点并使用清晰合理的布局易于阅读。Use short paragraphs, bullet points and a clear, logical layout to make it easy to read.

故而Songbird为blog上下文带来了语意,或者说音乐的理解。So Songbird is bringing semantics, or understanding of music, to the context of the blog.

日本屏风画源于中国古代唐朝,由于受唐代绘画的影响极深故而形成“唐绘”。The origin of Japan folding screen painting traced back to Tang Dynasty in ancient China.

石灰岩上有许多缝隙,故而树根能从岩洞顶部长出来。The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave.

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究其原因,在于楚、吴对于周朝的离心倾向,故而不为周期的邦国体制所接纳。The account for the occurrence is the centrifugal force of the Chu and Wu to the Zhou Dynasty.

故而,我的孩子,别再考虑这事儿了,因为这是不可宽恕的罪业啊。Therefore, my son, think not any more of this matter, for it is a sin that may not be forgiven.

我料想在夏天晚上,人家睡得晚些,故而冒夜去访他。I imagine in summer evening, the somebody else sleeps late somely, hence emit night to visit him.