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在这个进程原则中有一个拖后腿的因素。There is a dark side to the progress principle.

你的生物钟真的能帮助你的工作或者拖后腿吗?Can your biorhythms actually make or break your career?

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债券72倍的收益看起来像在拖后腿,为什么还要投资于债券呢That bond multiple of 72 is just a drag on returns -what's the point?

但和博物馆和图书馆相比,大学仍然拖后腿。But compared to museums and libraries, universities will continue to drag their feet.

在这一言论之前,第一部长亚历萨尔蒙德形容宗教主义是足球比赛中的拖后腿。His comments came after First Minister Alex Salmond described sectarianism as a parasite in the game of football.

面对如此前景,有些人辩称美国应强制其他拖后腿的国家采取一致行动。Faced with that prospect, some argue that the United States should force collective action on foreign foot-draggers.

后轮在第一个转弯中从不拖后腿,当平衡系统介入时,它是安静而平淡无奇的。The rear wheels do not drop one in the first turn and when the stability system intervenes, it is quiet and undramatic.

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公众们也站在了她的一边。反对改革的保守派越是拖后腿,改革的压力就越大。The public, too, was on her side. The more the anti-reformers dragged their feet, the GREater the reform pressure became.

在所有减损工作参与感、快乐感和生产力的事件中,退步或者说工作踏上了歧途排在了拖后腿的第一位。Of all events that can destroy engagement, joy, and productivity at work, having setbacks or being stalled in the work is number one.

而对知识经济和经济全球化,高端人才的欠缺和教育规模的不足,此二者对四个现代化的拖后腿效应,将更加日益显露出来。As the globalization of the knowledge economy , the drag effect of lack of high-end talent and educational scale, is increasingly more apparent.

魔术这个大交易的效果就是把那四个拖后腿的旧将换成了三个能够提供稳定输出的球员。What the trade allowed them to do was replace all four players who were killing them, and fill three of the spots with solid to excellent productivity.

一星级酒店占比、出租率和固定资产收益率等各项指标均为星级酒店中最低,严重拖后腿!Hotel of one star class is occupied than, each index such as rental rate and fixed assets yield all is the lowest in astral class hotel, serious hinder sb!

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决策者、投资者和其他想要为低碳未来铺平道路的人所面临的问题是要知道这些解决方案中哪些会拖后腿。The problem for policymakers, investors and others attempting to pave the way for a low-carbon future is knowing which of these many solutions to get behind.

但是由于多年糟糕的销售业绩,通用汽车副主席鲍伯·鲁特斯2005年形象的将别克称为“拖后腿的品牌”,当时外界普遍猜测这个底特律的汽车业巨头会抛弃别克。But in 2005, after years of poor sales, GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz famously called Buick a "damaged brand, " and speculation was rife that the Detroit auto giant would pull the plug.

中国的领导人正在利用此契机推进投资到给国内经济增长拖后腿的一些领域,以期赌注目前动荡不安的局面将不会从外商工厂扩大出去。Gambling that the unrest will not spill over from foreign-owned factories, China's leaders are using the chance to push investment in regions that have lagged the country's industrial boom.

虽然说与其他国家相比,英国学生表现的略好一些,但数十亿额外开支并没有将学生的平均水平带动上去,并且还有一大群差等生在后面拖后腿。Reasonably well compared with those in other countries, average standards are not improving despite billions in extra spending, and a stubbornly long tail of underachievers straggles behind.

抵消拉升经济力量的将会是不断拖后腿的家庭、企业和银行----家庭和企业想即时还清债务,而银行比以往行事更加谨慎。Set against the forces pulling the economy up will be the continuing downward drag from households and companies wanting to pay down debt, and from banks behaving far more cautiously than before.

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与此同时,海峡群岛和开曼群岛,就如那些拖后腿的国家一样,以匿名的方式减少欧盟居民存款者的预扣所得税,并仅对具体信息的要求作出反应。In the meantime the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, like the foot- draggers , are deducting withholding tax from EU-resident savers anonymously, and answering specific requests for information.

对于个人来说,这会带来很大的危机,同时对于社会成本也带来危机,因为不开心的员工会更易于产生健康问题,生产力降低,给别人拖后腿。This takes a tremendous toll on individuals, and there is also a societal cost, because unhappy disgruntled employees are more prone to health problems, less productive and a general drag on others.

在卫生和教育改革上拖后腿,阻止卡梅伦对大陆欧洲采取更强硬的态度——自由民主党在若干问题上的不合作态度让许多保守党极度不满。Many Tories arebeginning to resent profoundly the way the Lib Dems are already watering downTory changes on health and education and blocking Cameron from developing amore hardline approach on Europe.