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我便是老庶民。我要做的全部便是付钱。I'm the people. All I do is pay.

他不相信普通的庶民。He did not trust the common people.

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王子犯法,与庶民同罪。The king muse be subject to the law.

庶民知道他不喜欢他们。The people knew he did not like them.

打过高尔夫球之后,穿羊毛衣庶民网狼歇在动物园里新还珠格格工具登上。Having played golf, the wolf in wool rested on the tool stool in the zoo.

长期以来,听话的庶民一直是卡扎菲政权的根基。Qaddafi’s power has for a long time relied on the docility of ordinary Libyans.

我们必须公正温和,实际上你知道我们都是庶民。We are obliged to go fair , and softly , and in Practice you know We are the subjects.

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第四章探访舞鹤对台湾庶民文化的关怀及其原乡情结。Chapter 4 surveys Wuhe's concern over the common people culture and his original country complex.

它和下述问题有密切联系,“庶民以哪种语言讲话?It has to do most vividly with the very question, "Which language should the subaltern speak in?"

都铎政府利用人们熟悉的巡迴剧团,将新创作的「宣传剧」呈现在庶民大众眼前。Playing troupes patronized by the Tudor government traveled around the country to promote the new faith.

就命令这一天夜晚在皇宫和寺庙里点灯敬佛,令士族庶民都挂灯。So he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day.

而霍米,巴巴,则站在殖民地,庶民的主体位置。Then Homi Bhabha obviously in a variety of ways takes up the subject position of the colonized, of the subaltern.

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先秦诸子文体正是由先秦官方之“箴”下移为庶民之“语”,然后才渐次发展起来的。The style of the Pre-Qin Scholars did not blossom until it became the argument of common people from the official motto.

所以从事政治的工作,就是要设法让官治其职,而百姓庶民将自己手上的工作做好,如此而已。Hence, when you work for politics, you manage to make official abide by the rule and to make people do well their own work. That's all.

法律这东西,只有在对付被驱逐和不满分子时才是必要的,而有礼仪道德的庶民,会心甘情愿地遵守礼的规范。It was necessary only for outcasts and malcontents. Civilized citizens, on the other hand, voluntarily observed the Code of Rites, Liyi.

权利如果运用切当则百姓安居乐业,应用不当则殃及庶民日常生计。If power is properly applied, the lives of the common people will be rendered happy. If not, their daily life will be placed under threat.

多年后新一代南越王荣狄继位,前去圣庙参拜,请大祭司用九星轮为南国庶民占卜将来吉凶!New generation of south Vietnam after years WangRong ShengMiao visits to sardis king, priest, please with nine star wheel is truly future!

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仙乐说这牢房基本困不住本人,本人但愿荣狄能命令处死本人,如许就能保住荣狄在庶民心中的位置!XianLe said this cell, I live my basic trapped sardis can command executed hope honor, so I will keep honor in the position in sardis crime!

最后,对官吏昏聩和庶民狡黠的描写则反映出官民之间不同的司法智慧。Finally, the descriptions of the official doting and the plebeian canniness reflect the different judicial wisdom of the authorities and plebs.

当然,拉丁词一般可以回溯到古典罗马时期,在当时的语境中,client是指得到贵族资助的庶民。Latin words of course usually originated back in Roman antiquity and in that context a client was a plebeian under the patronage of a patrician.