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明月在流水里飘忽彷徨。I see the moon wiggling in the stream.

为什么她描述自己感觉“飘忽不定”呢?Why did she describe herself as feeling “adrift”?

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她酗酒的母亲在黛登的生活中荡进荡出,飘忽不定。Her alcoholic mother drift edinandout of her life.

关节疼痛出现了,剧烈而飘忽不定的疼痛也出现了。Joint aches appeared, and violent, migrating pains.

想念我亲爱的飘忽不定,粗心大意的妈妈。I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother.

树影间摇曳着一缕飘忽的阳光,黑暗因此支离。But the trees spun darkness for a wandering beam of sun.

听着它,往往感觉来到了飘忽不定的云间。Listening to it, often feels erratic cloud came between.

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阵风吹来,雨帘晃动,雨中之景好像也在飘忽不定。Gust of wind blowing, rain sway, the scene also seems to.

偶尔也有情人追来寻找她行踪飘忽的情郎。Occasionally someflamewould come pursuit of her errant swain.

我良好的自我感觉一下子从飘忽的云端掉到了冰冷的水泥地上。Suddenly, my happiness fell down from the sky to the cold ground.

偶尔也有情人追来寻找她行踪飘忽的情郎。Occasionally some flame would come in pursuit of her errant swain.

红砖砌成的高耸的烟囱口上,冒出了一笔灰白色的飘忽的轻烟……Its towering red-brick chimney was giving off⑥ wisps of greyish smoke.

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这样的规则应能终结导致危机的飘忽不定的紧急救助政策。Such a rule would end the erratic bailout policy that leads to crises.

思绪似异域夜走的魂灵,在空旷的牧野上飘忽不定。Thoughts may go exotic night souls, in the open on the Makino erratic.

美的本质犹如鸽子颈项上的乳白光泽,飘忽即逝。Its nature is like opaline doves'-neck luster, hovering and evanescent.

他们很快意识到,记忆飘忽不定,难以确定作为最佳回忆线索的图片类型。They soon realized that the capriciousness of memory made answers elusive.

雨过天晴,岩鹰欢快的叫声重又在村上飘忽。Once the storm is over, eagle rock sounds cheerful again uncertain in Murakami.

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但是这个公司最近的故事不像其底线所显示的那样飘忽不定。But the company’s recent history is not quite as buoyant as its bottom line suggests.

它就像少男少女发呆时的灵魂,飘忽不定,来去无踪。Boys and girls like it when the soul of a daze, erratic, to come and go without a trace.

那些飘忽不定、模棱两可或缺乏思想的邮件很可能不会收到回复。E-mails that are wandering, vague, or show a lack of thought are often not received well.