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恰当的处理煤炭。Dispose of coals properly.

煤炭,正力挺着中国。CHONGQING—Coal powers China.

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煤气可以从煤炭中提制。Gas can be produced from coal.

我们在煤炭生产方面居先。We lead in the coal production.

然而,在中国,煤炭依然是王者。But coal is still king in China.

他是个煤炭商,一个泥水匠。He was a coal merchant, a mason.

煤炭是不能再生资源。Coal is an unregenerate resource.

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满载的是木料煤炭和干草儿。Filled with lumber, coal, and hay.

煤炭成就了这座草原上的迪拜。Coal built this Dubai-on-the-steppe.

煤炭在化学上与金刚石属于同类。Coal is chemically allied to diamond.

煤炭、花岗石、天青石等资源性产品。Coal, granite, lapis lazuli and other.

他就加了煤炭来充当眼睛和纽扣。He adds coal for the eyes and buttons.

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他背一大袋煤炭上楼。He humped a big sack of coal upstairs.

我们的煤炭储存量还没有补充过。Our stock of coal has not renewed yet.

第二是石油煤炭业。The second is the oil and coal industry.

从基隆来了一船煤炭。A cargo of coal has arrived from Keelung.

煤炭焦油所衍生出的色料。Colorings made from coal-tar derivatives.

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他们常常少报他们的煤炭产量。They often understated their coal output.

秦皇岛港一位煤炭贸易商说。A coal trader at Qinghuangdao Harbor said.

相形之下,燃烧煤炭则只产生CO2。By contrast, burning coal yields only C02.